ILAS PG Conference | Page 5

Institute for Primary Care and Health Sciences Alessandro Andreucci Risk factors for the onset of musculoskeletal pain in children and adolescents: A systematic review Jonathan Quicke Formative moments in education that inspire careers: A case example of senior academics working in primary care Institute for Science and Technology in Medicine Rawaa Al-mayyahi The effects of anti-inflammatory drugs on the regenerative properties of Neural Stem Cells (NSCs) Zainab Almnaseer The role of novel apoptosis genes in breast cancer Law Amnah Alrumuh Determining the clinical usefulness of MBW methods to study lung function in children Sama Alshaheeb Characterising activation of brain immune cells: microglia Ahmad Al-shallawi Applied statistical methods for modelling recovery Upper Limb (UL) post-stroke Postgraduate Conference 2016 Page 4