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The functionality of the Safe Orb balloon was designed to favor effectiveness and fast-action, as standard procedure for the use of this product basically consists of removing the helium tank from the case, attaching the balloon to the tank’s valve and pressing the red button to release helium and inflate the balloon until reaching the desired diameter. by Daniel Celada Safe Orb is a red signal-balloon designed to alert other drivers that you have been in a car crash, so they can lower their speed and increase their precaution, overall awareness. Afterwards, one should turn the handle on the top part of the helium tank, thus activating the red LEDs and allowing the balloon to elevate whilst being attached to a string to keep it from floating away from your vehicle. Concept by INVOMEX This product consists of an aluminum case with a foam heat-insulating polyethylene interior. The protective case stores a refillable helium tank that can inflate up to three balloons in one filling; these balloons can be inflated to be up to 1 meter in diameter. “...the Safe Orb balloon was designed to favor effectiveness and fast-action...” 4