iHerp Australia Issue 8 | Page 55

Lokono Philosophies and Tribal Wisdom. “Some tribes consider snakes and crocodilians to be representative of negative spirits when seen in visions.” We had taken a detour to the zoo in Georgetown, Guyana’s capital, and were standing in front of a monstrous caged exhibit which housed a dozen or so intertwined Green Anacondas (Eunectes murinus). The giant snakes twitched continuously; a braided knot of serpentine flesh. Damon Corrie continued, “In dreams, the anaconda is the animal representation of the supreme negative entity for the Lokono-Arawaks. But I know the dream imagery and the living thing are two separate issues, not to be confused with the other. “I would never kill a real anaconda because all life is serving a useful purpose as ordained by the Creator. But a snake – all snakes – must shed their old skin to survive, and shamans associate this ability to shed their skin with astral travel. For any real shaman must be able to make his conscious spirit leave his body - shedding his physical skin, in a way - in order to get answers from the good spirits so he can give good advice to the physically living when he returns,” Damon smiled. “Such as, which plant the Creator has made to use to cure which disease, etc. Western scientists think we used trial and error over centuries to find out what medicinal plants to use, but we didn’t….too few people in our tribes to risk losing any to death from using the wrong plants until we find the right one. After all, we are never told lies by the good spirits. “Living animals of all kinds, we have respect for. All animals have a practical educational life lesson to teach….every insect, reptile, amphibian, bird, fish, mammal, right down to the lowliest arthropod. Peaceful animals like the tortoise, who harm no one, are to be emulated and are viewed as representations of positive entities with positive qualities.…like taking time to enjoy life and living in peace and longevity.” Image by Gustavo Frazao.