iHerp Australia Issue 8 | Page 46

Reptiles for Translocation. Conservation Biology. 23 (1): 7-15. Hart, K. M, Cherkiss, M. S., Smith, B. J., Mazzotti, F. J., Fujisaki, I., Snow, R. W. (2015) Home range, habitat use, and movement patterns of non-native Burmese pythons in Everglades National Park, Florida, USA. Animal Biotelemetry. 3 (8). Harvey, D. S., Lentini, A. M., Cedar, K., Weatherhead, P. J. (2013) Moving massasaugas: insights into rattlesnake relocation using Sistrurus c. catenatus. Herpetological Conservation and Biology. 9 (1): 67-75. Heiken, K. H., Brusch, G. A., Gartland, S., Escallón, C., Moore, I. T., Taylor, E. N., (2016) Effects of long distance transloca- tion on corticosterone and testosterone levels in male rattlesnakes. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 237:27-33. Massei, G., Quy, R. J., Gurney, J., Cowan, D. P. (2010) Can translocations be used to mitigate human–wildlife conflicts? Wildlife Research. 37: 428-439. Nowak, E. M., Hare, T., McNally, J. (2002) Management of ‘nuisance’vipers: effects of translocation on western diamond-backed rattlesnakes (Crotalus atrox). Biology of the Vipers. Eagle Mountain Publishing: Eagle Mountain, UT, USA. 533-560. Pearson, D., Shine, R., Williams, A. (2005) Spatial ecology of a threatened python (Morelia spilota imbricata) and the effects of anthropogenic habitat change. Austral Ecology. 30: 261-74. Pittman, S. E., Hart, K. M., Cherkiss, M. S., Snow, R. W., Fujisaki, I., Smith, B. J. (2014) Homing of invasive Burmese pythons in South Florida: evidence for map and compass senses in snakes. Biology Letters. 10: 20140040. Plummer, M. V. & Mills, N. E. (2000) Spatial ecology and survivorship of resident and translocated hognose snakes (Heterodon platirhinos). Journal of Herpetology. 34 (4): 565-575. Poessel, S. A., Gese, E. M., Young, J. K. (2017) Environmental factors influencing the occurrence of coyotes and conflicts in urban areas. Landscape and Urban Planning. 157: 259-269. Reinert, H. K. & Rupert, R. R. Jr. (1999) Impacts of Translocation on Behavior and Survival of Timber Rattlesnakes, Crotalus horridus. Journal of Herpetology. 33 (1): 45-61. Sealy, J. (1997). Short-distance transloca- tion of timber rattlesnakes in a North Carolina state park, a successful conservation and management program. Sonoran Herpetologist. 10: 94-99. Shine, R. (1987) Intraspecific Variation in Thermoregulation, Movements and Habitat Use by Australian Blacksnake s, Pseudechis porphyriacus (Elapidae). Journal of Herpetology. 21 (3): 165-177. Shine, R. (1991) Australian Snakes: A Natural History. Reed Books, Sydney, New South Wales. Shine, R. & Fitzgerald, M. (1996) Large snakes in a mosaic rural landscape: the ecology of carpet pythons Morelia spilota (Serpentes: Pythonidae) in coastal east- ern Australia. Biological Conservation. 76: 113-122. 2 x qtr page ads Shine, R. & Koenig, J. (2001) Snakes in the garden: an analysis of reptiles ‘‘rescued’’ by community-based wildlife carers. Biological Conservation. 102: 271- 283. Slip, D. J. & Shine, R. (1988) Habitat use, movements, and activity patterns of free- ranging diamond pythons, Morelia spilota spilota (Serpentes: Boidae): a radio- telemetric study. Australian Wildlife Research. 15: 515-31. Welton, R. E., Liew, D., Braitberg, G. (2017) Incidence of fatal snake bite in Australia: A coronial based retrospective study. Toxicon. 131: 11-15. Whitaker, P. B. & Shine, R. (2003) A Radiotelemetric study of movements and shelter-site selection by free-ranging brown snakes (Pseudonaja textilis, Elapidae). Herpetological Monographs. 17 (1): 130-144. Wolfe, A. K., Bateman, P. W., Fleming P. A. (2017) Does urbanization influence the diet of a large snake? Current Zoology. 39: 1-8. Wolfe, A., Fleming, P., Bateman, B. (2018) Impacts of translocation on a large urban-adapted venomous snake. Wildlife Research. (JUST ACCEPTED, 30 March 2018, WR17166). https://snakesonthebrainblog.wordpress. com/2017/02/19/essay-10-hybridization- and-the-myth-of-python-brownsnake- crossbreeding/