iHerp Australia Issue 3 | Page 54

bypass the lungs, and allow blood to flow from the right ventricle directly out to the body again via the left aorta, so that more blood reaches the vital organs. To achieve this, a valve with cog-like teeth closes off the entry to the pulmonary artery from the right ventricle, and the pressure in the right ventricle causes blood to be pushed through the valve previously limiting blood flow into the left aorta. This cog-like valve differs from the valves in all other vertebrates, which are thin, leaf-like, and work passively. In con- trast, the cog-like valve of crocodiles is made of nodules of connective tissue, and moreover is actively controlled. The opening and closing of the cog-like teeth is regulated by the amount of the hormone adrenalin in the bloodstream. When relaxed, such as when a crocodile is submerged, adrenalin levels are low, and the cog-toothed valve is closed, thus preventing blood flow to the lungs and instead shunting oxygen-poor blood out through the left aorta. The role of this unique valve in actively regulating blood flow between pulmonary and systemic circulations was revealed by experiments on the Estuarine Crocodile, Crocodylus porosus, by Franklin and Axelsson as recently as 2000. Described as an ‘evolutionary novelty’, these findings were impressive enough to be accepted for publication in the renowned journal Nature. where in the body, which promotes effective unloading of oxygen to respiring tissues. The duration of dives is generally 10-15 minutes, but if pressed, crocodilians have the capacity to stay submerged for incredible periods. Calculations suggest that a one-tonne, six- meter crocodile is capable of remaining submerged at rest for almost an hour without factoring in any reduc- tion in oxygen consumption, and remarkably, for almost nine hours if oxygen consumption is reduced to one- eighth that at rest! Yet when breathing air above water, crocodiles can be remarkably active, able to reach speeds of 35km/hr. ‘A six-meter crocodile may be capable of remaining submerged for almost nine hours, but can also reach speeds of 35km/hr!’ This active shunt bestows incredible cardiovascular flexibility. By-passing the pulmonary circulation when submerged keeps blood high in carbon dioxide away from the lungs, prolonging the efficient uptake of oxygen. Instead, carbon dioxide is sequestered else- Although other reptiles can also divert blood from the pulmonary circuit into the systemic circulation, this is by means of an intracardiac shunt, across the two ventricles; only crocodilians have an extra-cardiac shunt. This enables them to have entirely separate left and right ventricles, which in turn means they can completely separate oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. Crocodiles’ complex cardiovascular system also has the advantage that, with the shunt in operation, low-oxygen blood enters the systemic circula- tion (mostly) downstream of the carotid circuit, which delivers blood to the brain. The majority of the low- oxygen, shunted blood is instead directed to the gut, where oxygen is less in demand, but the blood can pick up nutrients from digestion. Hence, oxygen levels in the blood that is pumped to the brain can still be maintained at a relatively high concentration - certai