iHerp Australia Issue 2 | Page 53

Sexy Research .
Below left : Goniurosausus orientalis . The genus contains many beautiful species of geckos , most of which are very recent discoveries . Right : the unique Borneo Earless Monitor was quickly exploited by poachers . Photos by reptiles4all .
But poaching is not the only negative associated with access to locality data . Using the case study of their research into the Pink-tailed Worm-lizard ( Aprasia parapulchella ), Scheele and Lindenmayer illustrate how the relationship between landowners and scientists can also be jeopardised by trespassers seeking to observe and photograph the animals , and who in the process damage valuable habitat . The authors advocate a careful assessment of potential negative effects prior to publication of any details regarding location , and endorse withholding this information , particularly for endangered or rare species . However , given the necessity to inform government agencies , and the lure of commercial gain , it may be impossible to keep it secret for long . Byran Stuart , of the Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences , suggests that poaching may be alleviated by instituting protective conservation measures for the species in question prior to publishing data . Although acknowledging that this strategy may not be easy to implement – or indeed always successful – he believes it represents the best available option .
Sources , and further reading :
Cornwall , W . 2017 , Call to keep secrets on rare species draws reluctant support . Science ( Plants and Animals ), DOI : 10.1126 / science . aan6895 Geggel , L . 2016 , For Rare-Species Poachers , Scientific Journals Are Treasure Maps . https :// www . livescience . com / 53772-exotic-pet-trade-threatens-new-species . html Lindenmayer , D . & Scheele , B . 2017 , Do not publish . Science , 356 ( 6340 ), pp . 800-801 . DOI : 10.1126 / science . aan1362 Stuart , B ., Rhodin , A ., Grismer , L & Hansel , T . 2006 , Scientific Description Can Imperil Species . Science , 312 ( 5777 ) pp1137 , DOI : 10.1126 / science . 312.5777.1137b https :// theconversation . com / scientists-are-accidentally-helping-poachers-drive-rare-species-to-extinction-78342

Sexy Research .

Using the humble bearded dragon , a team of Australian scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery in the mechanism of temperature-dependent sex determination ( TSD ) in reptiles . This phenomenon has been well documented in many species of reptiles , and there is anecdotal evidence for far greater prevalence .
Crocodiles and marine turtles lack sex chromosomes , and their gender is simply determined by incubation temperature . Bearded dragons , on the other hand , do possess sex chromosomes , but these are overridden at high temperatures , so that embryos that are genetically male eventually hatch out as females . The research team has identified that this perplexing ‘ reversal ’ of sex is due to a sequence of RNA that is not normally retained , and which prevents the production of a normal protein , thereby inhibiting the production of a male .
Furthermore , this ‘ alternative RNA ’ has also been found in crocodiles and turtles , suggesting widespread implications .
Sources , and further reading :
Deveson , I ., Holleley , C ., Blackburn , J ., Marshall Graves , J ., Mattick , J ., Waters , P .& Georges , A . 2017 , Differential intron retention in Jumonji chromatin modifier genes is implicated in reptile temperature-dependent sex determination . Science Advances , 3 ( 6 ), e1700731 , DOI : 10.1126 / sciadv . 1700731
Butler , M . 2017 , Breakthrough in reptile temperature sex-swap research . https :// www . canberra . edu . au / about-uc / media / monitor / 2017 / june / breakthrough-in-reptile-temperature-sex-swap-research