iHerp Australia Issue 12 | Page 24

Areas with a leaf litter depth of 10–17cm. were preferred sites for nest construction. The King Cobras moved across habitats such as primary evergreen forests, Areca Palm plantations and rice paddy fields as well as encroaching into human habitations. We also studied the effect of snake translocation, with one King Cobra being translocated a distance of approximately 40km. and released. Its home range was compared with two snakes that were not translocated. In six months, the translocated snake travelled a total distance of 83km. while the non- translocated ones moved about 30-45km. each, indicating that long-distance translocation is stressful for these animals. During this study, we have made a number of observations concerning the diet of King Cobras, including documenting instances of cannibalism. The species typically consumes Indian Rat Snakes and Spectacled Cobras, but will also take Malabar Pit Vipers and occasionally a monitor lizard. In the breeding season (April-June), a female snake generally attracts several males which engage in combat. Sometimes this may occur on a main road or inside someone’s courtyard. We pitch tents and observe the process, quantifying combat duration, frequency, etc. Once the female begins to make a nest, we monitor relative humidity and temperature, and record nest dimensions and duration until hatching. While the ongoing telemetry study helps to gain considerable knowledge on the ecology and behaviour of the species, it also provides ample opportunity to communicate with communities living in the region and conduct awareness programmes on a regular basis while following the snake through the human-dominated agricultural landscape. 2. Mitigating conflict between man and venomous snakes. 1. India is home to an amazing diversity of fauna and the people are renowned for their tolerance to wildlife. In and around Agumbe, snakes regularly enter human habitations, 2.