iHerp Australia Issue 10 | Page 53

Gerrut Norval, PhD candidate and student of Mike Gardner elaborates: In 2017 we collected specimens of parasites that were previously noted but never studied by Mike Bull and the other former researchers. By doing research on these parasite species we will expand the understanding of the study system and the natural history of the species involved. I will be focussing on the collection of more specimens in 2018. Planned future work at the site includes understanding if these lizards are affected by the Shingleback flu as well as studying their immune systems to work out how they fight off their various parasites and diseases. Continued work of course remains dependent on the outcome of funding applications. Additional funds are crucial to the future of the long-term survey. If you would like to assist, please donate via www.flinders.edu.au/sleepy-lizard-fund Mike Gardner also has a number of special, limited edition Sleepy Lizard posters produced specially by iHerp Australia. Please contact us via the website if you are interested.