IGNITE Winter 2018 | Page 13

Q. How do you go about making Catholic theology more engaging? Q. How do you engage non-Catholic students? A. We meet in the chapel, where I incorporate visuals to and share their own experiences of liturgy, praise, and worship. The benefit is their increased comfort with the Catholic faith — they feel encouraged to participate in whatever measure they are able. enhance the lesson. Students are encouraged to touch the sacred vessels, page through the Roman Missal and the Lectionary, and get a feel for the fabric and design of the chasuble. Q. How has the program deepened students’ understanding of Catholic faith? A. One example: we had two sessions dedicated to the METANOIA rally in October. First, we discussed what the students would see, and how they should prepare themselves for the day. After the program, they shared their experiences and answered one another’s questions about prayer and community service. It was special to see them gain the courage to speak about their beliefs. They were proud to witness the beauty of the Catholic faith. A. I encourage non-Catholic students to reflect on Q. How have you seen the program impact your students? A. They are more comfortable asking questions and being in the chapel, which they now see as both a sacred and welcoming place. Their questions and posture indicate they are thinking and comprehending. For what more could a teacher ask? 13