IGNIS | Page 16

Six ma take pl The Digestive System 1. inges 2. secre 3. mixin 4 . diges 5. absor 6. excre Your digestive system is a group of organs that work together to transform food into fuel for your entire body. You begin by ingesting food through the mouth and oesophagus, continue digestion in your stomach, small intestine and large intestine, and then your faeces are evacuated through your rectum and anus. 1 YOUR MOUTH 1 This is where your food first arrives – the oral cavity. Your tongue, teeth and salivary glands all aid in the digestion of your food. The tongue and teeth are the very first specialists that your food encounters. Your tongue tastes and positions the food, which is then cut and ground by your 32 (adult) teeth. Your saliva moistens the food, and also begins digesting the carbohydrates, while the palate prevents food from passing up into your nose. The tongue then pushes the chewed food (or bolus) to the back of your oral cavity and into the pharynx. 2 YOUR THROAT Your throat, also known as your pharynx, is a funnel shaped tube that connects from your mouth to your oesophagus. It passes the chewed food to your oesophagus, but also contains a flap of tissue called your epiglottis, which acts as a switch to send food to the oesophagus and air to the larynx. 3 OESOPHAGUS This thick muscular tube is part of the upper gastrointestinal tract. It carries the food down into the stomach using peristalsis – a wave like muscular motion. It has a sphincter muscle at the bottom, which is a muscular ring, which prevents food coming up from the stomach. 16 IGNIS 3 7 6 5