IGNIS winter 2015 - 2016 | Page 16

Photo: Tim Garrett and Cale Fallgatter Until now, photographs of snowflakes have been beautiful images of two-dimensional single flakes. However, the majority of snow falls in clumps. Recently, Tim Garrett and a team in Utah developed a camera system called the MultiAngle Snowflake Camera, capable of capturing images of snowflakes in 3D as they fall from the sky. Three high-speed cameras are triggered by infrared sensors and use extremely fast exposures (up to 1/2,500th of a second) to photograph snowflakes and monitor their path and speed as they fall. 3D imagery is helping to create a better understanding of snowcrystals and snowfall and shows us that our traditional imagining of six-sided flakes falling from the sky needs some updating! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOfkukhb1Os Fractals and Snowflakes Go to any sing-along “Frozen” performance and you’ll hear 3-year-olds belting out the line “My soul is spiralling in frozen fractals all around” from “Let it Go”. Snowflakes don’t develop using the algorithms of fractal repetition, so what is the relationship between fractals and snow? Snow crystals begin as either a single ice crystal or an aggregation of ice crystals falling through high-humidity cold air. As the crystal falls it rotates, and the snowflake grows at its perimeter.  Complex shapes emerge as the flake moves through different temperatures and humidity, creating individual snowflakes that are nearly unique in structure at the molecular level. Many snowflakes form structures that lack symmetry and therefore aren’t fractals. However, fractal geometry has long been associated with snowflakes as the patterns 16 IGNIS fractals create approximate real snowflakes very closely, and it is fractal mathematics which is of most use in the analysis of snowflake structures. The Swedish mathematician Helge von Koch (1870-1924) formulated one of the first mathematical fractals now known as the Koch snowflake. In it you start with an equilateral triangle, then with each iteration remove the middle third of each side and add two line segments to make new equilateral triangles on each side of the previous triangle, this builds up the snowflake shape. If you zoom into the edge of the snowflake you won’t be able to tell how many iterations have been performed. Infinite repetition of the iteration equals a snowflake with an infinite perimeter, even though the snowflake itself only has a finite area.