iGB E-zines iGB e-zine Portugal | Page 15

Part 3: Channelisation and the offshore market Part 3: Channelisation and the offshore market A report commissioned by industry lobby group the RGA surveyed Portuguese gamblers to ascertain the impact of the high-tax regime on the scale of the offshore market. We analyse the findings The Eurogroup Consulting survey As mentioned earlier in this report, in 2017 the RGA commissioned Eurogroup Consulting Portugal (EgC) to conduct both a review of the market to date and a market research survey of the Portuguese betting and gaming public to attempt to ascertain the true extent of the lack of channelisation of grey markets into regulated markets. In the report, produced in November last year, the RGA pointed to the difficulties in attempting to truly get a handle on the size of the remaining grey/black market in any given regulated scenario. “Studying the impact of the online gambling legislation and determining how much it has contributed to a transfer of gamblers from the offshore to the onshore market is always a challenge for a varied set of reasons, the most important of which is the fact that admitting to participate in offshore gambling is a delicate issue for most online gamblers,” the EgC authors wrote. “Also, regardless of any discretion and confidentiality we use, some of the relevant stakeholders in the market may prove difficult to be reached out and some may even refuse to contribute. Finally, official statistics provided by the regulator may be partial and thus may prevent us from drawing final conclusions.” The market research study took eight weeks to complete and was conducted on the following lines: • A survey was distributed with the support of the Associação Nacional de Apostadores Online (ANAOn); • Further analysis was conducted of the most relevant available data from official sources, market players and/or press/media; • EgC performed a set of seven meetings with key stakeholders in the market, including the regulator; and • EgC used the findings of desk and field research to confront, adjust and validate the findings of the survey. When it comes to the market research, the EgC says the questions were structured specifically to give a picture of offshore gaming among Portuguese gamblers. EgC received more than 1,000 valid and completed responses. The profile of the respondents, the report points out, is Portugal: The challenges and potential in one of Europe’s most controversial markets 15