iGB Affiliate 51 JunJul | Page 19

TRAFFIC “It’s worth spending some time working through the join-up process for each of your key operators on your mobile phone. If you think an operator has a horrible user experience and you’re marketing them hard on mobile, maybe you should think about demoting them.” • • • • • • • • • • which makes it very easy to get your CDN service up and running. Then host your static files from it. Get Memcached installed on your web host It simply increases the reliance on RAM memory to speed up things like database queries. Since most modern websites use databases, it makes sense to speed those processes up Optimise your images Optimising in this case means making the file size as small as possible, but keeping the image quality as good as you can. It’s very easy to upload a 2MB image, embed it on a homepage, adjust its size with CSS and wonder why the site slows down Use a fast web host Obviously Minimize round-trip times (RTTs) This is the time it takes for a query to your website and a return of data to user. If you are dealing with users in Australia, by having your website hosted (excluding CDN hosted assets) in the UK, the RTT, or ping time will be greater than if it’s hosted locally. Put simply, host your website physically close to where you want it to be seen Use caching (plugins) if you’re using WordPress, or any other major content management system, there will be caching plug-ins. This means your website is saved as a static page (until it’s changed), so when a user goes on your website, they’re getting a page which doesn’t need a database to render it. A database-driven page involves a huge number of steps, more hard drive usage, more back and forth between the browser and the server. Caching is good! Also, remember to use gzip • Switch off all the plugins you don’t need or use • If you use WordPress, you will know how easy it is to accumulate loads and loads of plug-ins. The catch is; you will need them to run your website. Plugins vary hugely in their efficiency and security. It’s worth being ruthless with plug-ins and deleting anything you don’t absolutely need. A good trick is to set up a development version of your website on the same hosting you use for the main website and enable/disable plug-ins whilst checking sites speed at the same time. You will probably weed out at least a few plug-ins that are holding the whole site back ●● #5 Prioritise operators with great mobile conversion As an affiliate, you are in the business of getting traffic in, persuading users to go and join an operator. That’s great if the operator has an excellent user experience for mobile acquisition, but that’s easier said than done. It’s worth spending some time working through the join-up process for each of your key operators on your mobile phone. If you think an operator has a horrible user experience and you’re marketing them hard on mobile, maybe you should think about demoting them. I spent some time trawling through operator registration processes and I could easily do a Hall of shame… But I won’t because I’m nice like that. One possibility would also be to render different operators based on device, or add a note saying mobile friendly or not. Conclusion Google really cares about mobile and they will weed out sites which give bad mobile user experience. Just because Mobilegeddon hasn’t hit you yet, doesn’t mean it isn’t coming. You have a window of opportunity to sort out your housekeeping and keep up to speed with this tide of change. So…good luck with it all! NICK GARNER is founder of 90 Digital, the iGaming search marketing agency. Prior to founding the agency, he was head of search for Unibet and prior to that search manager for Betfair. Nick works with several affiliates and has his own affiliate sites. iGB Affiliate Issue 51 JUNE/JULY 2015 15