If and Only If: A Journal of Body Image and Eating Disorders Winter 2015 | Page 83

Dora turned and put a hand on her shoulder and gave her a warm smile and Lisbeth felt the chill leave the air. “Nothing for you to worry about, you’ve got Jake after all.”

“I know isn’t he dreamy?” Lisbeth lay back against the bed, messing up her hair in the process.

“He’s gorgeous. So how did you rope him in?”

Dora cut her an icy glare and Lisbeth felt herself shrinking back again. She shrugged her shoulders in response and headed into the bathroom to fix her hair. She loved Jake with all her heart.

They sat with the smokers in the club, Lisbeth wiggled around in the seat and wished she hadn’t listened to Jake. The small round high backed stool was murdering her bottom. The worst part was it didn’t fully support her and the left over portions spilled over the edges.

The friends they met up with were cute. To her dismay, Lisbeth noticed that not only was she the tallest among this garden of gazelle plastered girls, she was also the largest.

The room looked like a converted warehouse, dimly lit with bare lights dangling ten feet above them.

“Here try the appletini.” Sonya said.

She handed her a martini glass filled with a pale green liquid. Lisbeth shouted into her ear that she didn’t drink martinis; she was more of a piña colada kind of girl. Sonya glanced nervously at Dora and then back at Lisbeth.

“This is a low calorie martini.”

Sonya had a rat face and her beady eyes stared hard, waiting for Lisbeth to take the appletini from her outstretched hand. Lisbeth’s faced flushed and she frowned as Sonya’s meaning hit her. Dora grabbed the appletini and took a sip. By way of explanation she said “She already has a man.”

Another gazelle quipped, “Does she plan on keeping him?” and they all broke into a light chuckle. The tinkle of their glass-like voices were lost in the drone of a guitar solo. Lisbeth turned to the bar and ordered a double shot of whiskey and a strawberry and mango piña colada. After another shot of whiskey later and Lisbeth forgot about their laughter and unwelcomed hints at her weight and hit the dance floor. She danced through five songs, before the floor started dancing with her. She didn’t even feel the impact of hitting the concrete floor, but she felt the skin of her face being peeled away as Dora and Sonya hoisted one of her arms over each of their shoulders.