IEEE Region8 News Dec 2013 | Page 2

region news Director reports on business from the Region 8 Committee IN October this year, the Region 8 Committee met for the first time in its history in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in its capital Sarajevo. The attendance of several high-level IEEE staff members made it possible for us to organise a number of activities of importance in addition to the meeting itself. Region 8 treasurer Brian Harrington and myself, together with the France Section treasurer Christine Nora and incoming treasurer Humberto Henao, discussed with the IEEE chief financial officer Tom Siegert and MGA managing director Cecelia Jankowski about how the financial program N etSuite can be adapted such that it is workable for our Sections. IEEE general counsel and chief compliance officer Eileen Lach, assisted by the international paralegal David Meza, held a long se- ries of separate meetings with several Section delegates about Section-specific legal issues such as the proper registration in their home countries. Region 8 Director-Elect Costas Stasopoulos, who also acts as the Regional Vitality Coordinator, used the opportunity to have separate discussions with Sections that had shown a reduced level of activity, which may even have led to problems in reporting and to not yet receiving their rebate for 2012. These discussions gave us a good insight into the problems that these Sections face. In several cases, the reporting problem could be solved and a missing rebate could be transferred. Martin Bastiaans Region 8 Director Building wiki of educational multimedia A new project was launched on 18 September called IEEE Academic. It aims to create an online resource where students can access, for free, educational material written in their language by professors in their own universities and schools. “We want to build a ‘Wikipedia’ for multimedia educational content, with contributions from IEEE Student Branches and universities all over the world,” said Rui Costa, founder and coordinator of the project. R8 Committee meeting in Sarajevo continued from page 1... Attendees found out how to gain and retain IEEE’s ‘primary resource’ – its members New Membership Development officers learn tools for the task A WORKSHOP to train new Membership Development (MD) officers was held in the University of Westminster, London (UK&RI Section), on 19 October. New MD officers gathered together with experienced volunteers and members of the Region 8 MD Subcommittee to share knowledge, learn the tools and discuss ways of keeping members happy with IEEE. The workshop included presentations on the global and regional status of IEEE membership, best practices in Sections, data analysis and communication tools, new benefits for 2014, and breakout sessions for devising initiatives for increasing member satisfaction. Membership Development is a task in which every volunteer should be involved where members are the primary resource for IEEE. To coordinate the efforts and keep in contact with IEEE staff, an MD officer should always be appointed in every Section. The MD workshop will be repeated annually, with a next edition planned for in Middle East next Spring. Antonio Luque Targets: industry, visibility, education BASED on the vision and mission of the IEEE Region 8 Committee and also analysis of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, the strategic planning subcommittee has proposed the following challenges for the Region. OOGo to industry! This seeks to make IEEE a professional home for people in industry and therefore more attractive for industry professionals (focusing on local benefits) while also considering corporate membership models. 2  IEEE Region 8 News  December 2013 OOIncrease IEEE’s footprint! This means to increase IEEE visibility (by technologists, public and media) and raise awareness about IEEE among non-government and government organisations active in technology. OOThink education! The challenge here is to promote pre-university and lifelong education and consider accreditation and certification. We should also improve soft skills education and consider merging professional and educational activities. Marko Delimar Content from IEEE Academic initiatives from Portugal, Turkey, Greece, South Africa, Pakistan and USA are planned. The beta version website posted its first material from IEEE Academic Portugal in October. Feedback from you is needed to help improve the platform. Please visit online at All new items will be announced via social media at ieeeacademic and ieeeacademic. Stone, Clements Worldwide Life Insurance and Vacation Center. For Sections and Student Branches that organise recruitment events, there is a new 2014 membership recruitment package available. Many other discussions and breakout sessions took place so please scan the reports and pres- entations at Above all, everyone enjoyed the warm welcome hospitality and technical talks organised by Bosnia and Herzogovnia Section and appreciated the organisational work by Section chair Dusanka Boskovic and the local Student Branch volunteers. Zhijia Huang Germany’s time travel birthday continued from page 1... worldwide, could rely on DC transmission and distribution, as Thomas Edison, a founder of General Electric, sponsor of the day, would have liked to see. The presentation offered a deep insight into technology, economics and politics, underlying Germany’s assertive position in the new enviroment-aware era. Then the space ship took off: a remote future is said to be science fiction’s domain. But find an engineer who does not love to dream, and the fun is that dreams can really come true. This is how Prof Hubert Zutt brought everyone to outer space with ‘Star Trek: how visions become reality’. He explained how late 1960s futuristic fictional equipment, such as the cell phone, is now part of everyone´s experience. Yet there is still a lot to do for electrical engineers to reach Star Trek´s advanced energy generation and storage – who knows what will be seen at the 100th anniversary? A dinner closed the event in the elegant Künstlerhaus, where the first gathering of the Section had been held. IEEE Germany Section celebrated its anniversary on historic grounds with around 150 guests. During the banquet, Prof Rohde delivered a keynote talk about the Section as it was in 1963. The current Section chair, Dr Axel Richter, gave his greeting and the IEEE Region 8 director, Martin Bastiaans, gave his best wishes from the Region. Our thanks go to Gerald Anleitner who helped create an unforgettable day. Arne Redl