I D E N T I D Year 2, No. 6, September 2015 Manuel Cuesta Morú, Mature Deliberative Democracy / José Hugo Fernández, Anti-Racism in the Twilight of the Revolution / Armando Chaguaceda y Marlene Azor, The Race Debate and the Lefts: Consensuses and Dissonances / Yusimí Rodríguez, Waiting for Housing / Omer Freixa, Rethinking Negritude in Argentina Through its Historic Moments / Carlos César Lamadrid, César Omar Lamadrid y Norberto Pablo Cirio, First Self-Managed Census of AfroArgentines of Colonial Origin / Verónica Vega, Cuba: Reasons for a NonIdentity/ David Escalona Carrillo (David D’Omni), Trinity of Art/ Yania Suarez, Necessary Art: Amaury Pacheco Speaks to Us about his post-OMNI/ Enrique Del Risco, The Secret Rumba / Bonita Lee Penn, A Riot is the Language of the Unheard A D E S