IDE Online Magazine Noviembre 2017 | Page 124

directors of the many department stores in the country, distributors and press specialized in representing the Korean cosmetic industry, which has gained a leadership position in recent years in the most relevant international markets. The road show in Seoul was very important for the activation of new distribution

channels and new collaborations, which will further enrich the next edition of Cosmoprof in Bologna, with a special focus on retail and digital technologies.

The spa sector has been the focus of the meetings in Thailand and Malaysia, and the ongoing initiatives at Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna 2018 for the spa and wellness centers arose the interest of industry associations and companies interested in exporting local products and trends, as well as in introducing in their country new items, still unknown in Asia.

In Ethiopia, there are many elements revealing the country’s potential in the beauty sector: with steady growth in the middle class and a stable political and economic situation, the country can aspire to an important position on the African continent, along with more affirmed realities such as South Africa or Nigeria. This first presence of Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna in Ethiopia was linked to the Fashion Week Hub of Africa in Addis Ababa, of which Cosmoprof was a cosmetic partner. Aim of the collaboration, putting the spotlight on make-up, which is becoming more and more attractive in this country thanks to the growth of training schools, beauty bloggers, make-up artists

and spa center chains that offer all kinds of beauty treatments.

In Russia, Cosmoprof and Cosmetica Italia – Personal Care Association presented the next edition during the leading international beauty conference organized by the Russian Cosmetic Association – a unique opportunity which helped to involve the major Russian companies and buyers in the sector. From the market research prepared by ITA, a growth of 5% for the cosmetics industry is expected in 2017: the recovery of the Russian economy will bring for the next three years a revaluation of the premium segment and a dynamic increase in male and organic cosmetics. That is why the main Moscow department stores are expected to visit Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna.

Manufacturers, importers and local authorities attended the presentation of the next edition of Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna in Jordan. In the country, the economic situation is suffering from political difficulties in the Middle East, and the cosmetic industry is also affected by the lack of funds for research and technological development. The participation in Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna can represent for the country an opportunity for economic growth for the entire beauty segment.

There are still many suggestions and solutions to be collected in new markets. In the coming weeks, Cosmoprof will be presented in Kazakhstan (Almaty, on 22 and 23 November), Tanzania (Dodoma, on November 30 and December 1) and Mozambique (Maputo, from 7 to 9 December).