ICF Annual Report 2014 | Page 8

By connecting coaches with research, resources and education, ICF empowers them to support the transformation of lives and organizations, one client at a time. In 2014, ICF released two cutting-edge pieces of industry research, the 2014 ICF Global Consumer Awareness Study and Building a Coaching Culture, a signature study of coaching in organizations conducted in partnership with the Human Capital Institute (HCI). ICF continued our efforts to advance coaching research and science, as well. In May 2014, we facilitated a cuttingedge conversation with hundreds of in-person and virtual attendees at ICF Advance 2014: Science of Coaching. The following month, we hired a Director of Coaching Science to lead ICF’s efforts to develop, curate and disseminate information around the science of coaching. Finally, we piloted new event structures to better meet the needs of coaches worldwide. In lieu of hosting a single, global conference, ICF Global supported three regional steering committees in hosting conferences to extend world-class opportunities for learning and networking to a larger, more diverse population of coaches. ICF also hosted the inaugural Business Development Series, a virtual education offering designed to help professional coaches build profitable, sustainable coaching businesses.