ibc supplement | Page 17

abs_abs 29/08/2014 12:55 Page 1 Delivering Your Conte Delivering Your Content i g Yo o ent the W to th World he World Services Include: Services Include: rv ce Cable Head-end Distribution Cable Head-end Distribution e -e st Full-time Contribution Full-time Contribution nt Turnaround Turnaround r ro MCPC MCPC C Playout Playout ayout Encryption Encryption n rypt ABS satellites provide unparalleled market penetratio fo re ion pan-regional ABS satellites provide unparalleled marke penetration for regional, pan-regional sate ite t d p l e ket netr on for regional, n re ion et and continenta distribution across continents and continental distribution across 4 continents. n c e tal ist b t o cr st c n ts. s   Leveraging the state-of-the-art Subic Bay telepor and broadcasting facility, ABS state-of-the-art ubic Bay broadcasting fa it ABS facility, ABS Leveraging Leveraging the state-of-the- r Subic Ba teleport d broadcast v ra ta tat of b port rt cas ac t provides broadcasting solution provides broadcasting so utions in all formats (Standard Definition, Hig Definition, r d ca n solutions a t fo mats (St formats (Standard De it o High De ition, Stan Definition, igh Definition, t t and K to media broadcasters and telecom operators. and 4K) to media, broadcasters and telecom operators. n edia, a, caste a t ec p r t rs   Le Learn how our so utions can expa your business Learn how our solutions can expand your business, ho solu n and u e s, c tac contact us at: [email protected] m contact us at [email protected] a t: nf bsa it co t www.absatellite.com Picture from ABS Subic Bay MCR Visit ABS at IBC, Suite MS23 Hall 13 and Booth 2.A30 Hall 2 Visit at Suite Booth