IBA SUCCESS MAGAZINE Volume 5 Issue 5 | Page 33

ALKALINE WATER & BENEFITS n HEALTH & WEALTH Kangen ® Water By Thomas Wang K angen Water® (aka electrolyzed re- duced water (ERW), or hydrogen water) begins as tap water. The Enag- ic® machine filters out chlorine and other impurities from the tap water then separates the hydrogen and oxygen with a process known as electrolysis. This process adds an electron to the hydrogen creating a new molecule called diatomic molecular hydrogen gas. When this is added to your drinking water, it produces antioxidant rich Kangen Water®. Oxidant, by definition, is an oxidizing agent, while antioxidant is any sub- stance that acts to slow or prevent the oxida- tion of another chemical. diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Antioxidants, on the other hand, act to tame the free radicals (or highly reac- tive chemicals) in the body that have the po- tential to harm cells and cause disease. In the human body, oxidative damage has been implicated in many of our modern-day What does this mean? According to this study, those who drank hydrogen-rich water The consumption of hydrogen-rich water for 8 weeks resulted in a 39% increase in antiox- idant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) and a 43% decrease in thiobarbituric acid re- active substances (TBARS) in the urine. Fur- ther, subjects demonstrated an 8% increase in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and a 13% decrease in total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol from baseline to 4 weeks. showed a substantial increase in their anti- oxidant enzymes and a massive decrease in acid in the urine. Further, participants showed a significant increase in HDL the "good cholesterol," and a significant de- crease in the "bad cholesterol." 'Electrolyzed Reduced Water' (aka Kangen Water® or hy- drogen water) has been used in hospitals in Japan for decades. And, now you can make the same alkaline, antioxidant, mineral-rich, pure, safe, and healthy drinking water right in your own home. Enagic® offers a patented direct sales compensation for those system and/or product owners who decide to turn their assets into a business and income stream. There are no fees to become a distributor and no sales requirements. Simply own a product or system and share your unique distributor code with others to earn a commission from each sale referred by you or anyone in your organization. To purchase your own machine and to learn more about the company, products and compensation plan, visit www.drinkexceptionally.com. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2763246 www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2831093 S I LV E R $197* MONTH • 4 Ticket to Modern Profits Monthly Networking • Insert in Promotional Event Business Card Holder • Directory Listing in IBA Success Magazine (online & in-print) • Directory Listing on website of SOS LOCAL (BizOrlando.com) G O L D $397* MONTH • Business Card AD in IBA Success Magazine • 8 Tickets to Modern Profits Monthly Networking • Insert in Promotional Event Business Card Holder • Logo in Rotation on TV at MP Monthly Networking Event • Directory Listing on website of SOS LOCAL (BizOrlando.com) PLAT INUM $597* MONTH • 12 Tickets to Modern Profits Networking • A Quarter Page Ad in IBA Success Magazine • Insert in Promotional Event Business Card Holder • Logo in Rotation on TV at MP Monthly Networking Event • Directory Listing on website of SOS LOCAL (BizOrlando.com) *Minimum 2 Month Sponsorship www.ModernProfitsParty.com/sponsor VOL 5, Issue 5 n IBASuccessMagazine.com 31