IBA SUCCESS MAGAZINE Volume 5 Issue 4 | Page 9

Notably, residents across the county are benefitting from these achievements. All thirteen municipalities in Orange County also experienced market value growth in 2019. In fact, more than half recorded dou- ble-digit increases since last year. Areas like Oakland, which saw an unprecedented 18% increase in market value over 2018, will benefit from additional tax revenue for years to come. These resources can help fund schools, infrastructure, parks, and other amenities around the community. government, not-for-profits organizations and private developers are forming to revi- talize select communities; and new afford- able housing developments are beginning to break ground. This unprecedented progress leads to an impressive total market value in Orange County. For the first time in history, Orange County’s market value now exceeds $208.2 billion. To put that number in perspective, when I was elected in 2012, the county’s market value was just $110 billion. In early 2019, OCPA implemented an inno- vative drone program, which allows select field appraisers to utilize drones to ap- praise hard to access or newly developed areas of our county. By employing tech- nology like drones, our agency can value property around the county in a more Alongside our market value growth, Orange County continues to draw attention inter- nationally. Not only are we one of the most popular vacation destinations in the world —drawing a record breaking 75 million vis- itors in the last 12 months alone according to Visit Orlando—but the region also con- tinues to be a hotbed for international real estate investment. precise manner, making our appraisal pro- cess more effective and cost-efficient. As we celebrate these great achievements, we must continue to improve and overcome the challenges facing our community. The scarce availability of affordable housing is one of the region’s most pressing concerns. According to a recent report, there are only 13 affordable and available homes for ev- ery 100 renters who need them in Orange County. Another report shows that rent in our region has risen by 6.8% in the last year. The good news is that we have seen local governments investing time and resources to improve this issue; partnerships between Finally, the presentation switched gears and I was able to talk about to talk about the future of Orange County and announce some of the exciting ways OCPA is lever- aging technology to assess Orange County fairly and accurately. Other forms of technology, like artificial intelligence and autonomous vehicles, are progressing every day and will ad- vance the appraisal industry. On the fore- front of this technology, OCPA is getting ready to utilize machine learning to ana- lyze photographs and identify changes in parcels. This AI-based technology has the sophistication to recognize any changes to a piece of property using aerial imag- ery and can alert us to those changes for valuation purposes. This will result in more accurate assessments on a timelier basis. As revolutionary tools like machine learn- ing help us all be more efficient and ac- curate, OCPA will continue finding new applications for artificial intelligence in the appraisal industry. Whatever new technol- ogy is on the horizon, the Orange County Property Appraiser’s office will be ready. At the conclusion of my presentation, I was honored to welcome a panel of indus- try experts on stage to further discuss im- portant issues facing Orange County. The guests panelists who participated include, Dr. Alesia Scott-Ford, the Jacksonville Field Office Director for the U.S. Depart- ment of Housing and Urban Develop- ment; Dr. Jason Eichenholz, Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer for Luminar Technologies; Fred Kittinger, Senior Asso- ciate Vice President for Government Rela- tions for the University of Central Florida; and Jeff Fagan, the 2019 Orlando Regional REALTOR® Association (ORRA) President. Topics discussed during the interactive panel portion of the program included: • Affordable housing challenges and the impact on our region's ability to attract new business and new talent • Autonomous vehicles as a solution to Central Florida's traffic gridlock • Housing scarcity and how technolog- ical advancements can help residents and newcomers to Orange County find homes • Creative Village opening and UCF ex- panding its presence in Downtown Orlando The panel discussion was incredibly infor- mative thanks to the timely, insightful com- mentary offered by our guest panelists. In closing, Orange County’s future looks brighter than ever. Our county has experi- enced significant, but responsible growth since 2012, weathering one of the worst recessions in recent memory. As new con- struction continues to be a driving force in valuation increases, municipalities across the county will continue to benefit from rising residential values and additional tax revenue. Yes, we have new challenges to face, like af- fordable housing, but they are opportunities, as well. As a community, we can embrace these opportunities and continue making Orange County an even better place to live, work, and play. Rick Singh, CFA Orange County Property Appraiser VOL 5, Issue 4 n IBASuccessMagazine.com 7