IBA SUCCESS MAGAZINE Volume 5 Issue 4 | Page 3

WELCOME W VOLUME 5 n ISSUE 4 n HOSPITALITY & ENTERTAINMENT hen you do what you love it shows! Creating this edi- tion was exciting, fun and emotional. In every edition, I learn something new about myself. It’s an amazing thing how life evolves, where you can forever be a student, having the pow- er to create your own path, write your own story, and live out your dreams. In this issue, I found my balance through travel and connecting with wiser women while experiencing what real sisterhood is all about. I explored expanding my con- tacts through quality networking, attend- ing expos and meeting artists from the very young to the exceptionally seasoned. I have thoroughly enjoyed hearing raw talent through poetry, trying new restau- rants, experiencing new wines, walking the beach, visiting museums, all the way down to dating! Bringing the hospitality & entertainment edition to fruition has been pure enjoyment. Wow… I have been busy, doing what I love and rising above the challenges! Sometimes we limit ourselves by not rais- ing the bar high enough. We can stifle our own success by allowing life circumstanc- es, distractions, grief or fear to be a brick wall between sitting still or taking a risk. What I have learned is that taking a risk and being uncomfortable is mandatory for growth. Stepping out of your comfort zone can be scary, but if you don’t put ac- tion behind your passion, you will never be fulfilled with who you are. As the CEO of IBA Success Magazine, walking into my fabulous forties, I’m fo- cused on my purpose and what makes me happy. I am satisfied with each life lesson because I can clearly see the blessings in them and what I thought were losses were actually transitions for what’s next. Annette Watson-Johnson and Jennifer Yon I reached a whole new level of under- standing of why I do what I do. What’s funny is, I always knew my efforts would yield the means and opportunity to gov- ern and lead this publication. I always in- tended to utilize the magazine to impact others, set trends, create a buzz, bring awareness, bring like-minded people together and increase or create revenue streams. Very simply, it wouldn't be just another magazine full of pretty pictures. IBA Success contains the substance to make measurable change in the lives of all who read it. There is action, education, inspiration, and promotions packed in each bi-monthly campaign. The time invested is done with pure delight. I welcome you to the Hospi- tality & Entertainment Edition 2019 and my hope is that you enjoy flipping through the pages as much as I did delivering them! —Jennifer Yon VOL 5, Issue 4 n IBASuccessMagazine.com 1