IBA SUCCESS MAGAZINE Volume 2 Issue 3 | Page 23

What does Mental Health look like.... S BY: LATOYA KENDRICK-TYLER o often I’m asked what mental health looks like. In my field of work society would have us to believe that it’s only in the poor communities. But would you believe that there are lawyers, doctors, nurses, therapist, teachers, judges ect. that deals with depression, anxiety, phobias, stress, shame, post-traumatic stress, and grief. These people are professionals and at time years go by before they are ever diagnosed or even treated. In this this article we will briefly discuss what mental health is and how it affects everyone no matter the economic difference. Health is the way your body feels and works. Being healthy means more than just not being sick. A healthy mind lets you learn, play, and understand others. Mental health means having good ways to deal with your feelings and how to enjoy life, even when things are hard. Having a healthy mind and body are both