I Used to do That for a Living; Landing and Leaving 108 Jobs Introduction, Chapter 1, Chapter 2 | Page 32

Roger Scott Jackson school already kept me on edge. Overcoming the inertia of futility was the hardest thing I did every day. I always figured myself as the least likely of my family to make the cut, to be called with the saints to meet Jesus in the sky. And that was in the ‘60s. By the 1970s Jack’s avowed enemies were those who advocated equality for anybody who was not white, male, heterosexual, and Christian. As ever, his most virulent hatred was reserved for atheists. And communists. To Jack atheism and communism were direct synonyms. Some folks conflate atheism and skepticism. Jack was no atheist, but he was a skeptic, even if he did buy-in to in all manner of superstitions, conspiracy theories, and tales of flying saucers, and believed that people were healed by the laying on of hands and the anointing with oil. Skeptical? He distrusted the government, medical science, the United Nations, corporations, public schools, universities, his neighbors, his employers, his relatives, and all religions other than his own. In general, most of what Jack believed was false, and most what he disbelieved was true. He rarely changed his mind. He evolved but little. And evolution was definitely one of the things he did not believe in. 23