I AM QUEEN Issue 10 | Page 8

Often times when we are instructed to “prepare”, we automatically respond with our hands. Immersing ourselves in a series of useful performances to bring us to the level of establishment God requires. When the Lord uttered “Don’t just wait, Prepare” into my spirit weeks ago, I too became eager to prepare. I thought about all of the external areas of my life that needed to be constructed in order for me to successfully possess my ‘next level’. However, I quickly shifted gears when the Holy Spirit reminded me that I needed to be impregnated with faith before the next level can be birthed by works. He urged me to remove my hands from something my heart was not conditioned to believe would happen. Likewise, this issue is prevalent in the church today. Believers are working tirelessly on everything but their faith. If we really want to get to work, I am here to affirm both you and I that faith is our first assignment. It too requires preparation!

Here‘s what no one is saying about FAITH …

Firstly, it is your permission for YOU to receive! You serve an injustice unto YOURSELF when you choose to doubt. The spirit of doubt is an opposing spirit that denies God access to maneuver in your life. When you lack faith, you pose an obstruction to your miracles. Get out of the way maker’s way!

Secondly, your faith is a reflection of your perception of Christ. As believers, we tend to make bold proclamations through our worship, deeming God as “a way maker, sustainer and supplier etc”. But can I tell you that our measure of faith determines how much of this we truly believe?

Thirdly, your faith is a form of exaltation. To be audacious enough to believe that is he is ABLE despite your circumstances translates as honor and reverence. Is he worthy of believing?

In addition, faith improves one’s quality of work. When you are certain that your efforts are not in vain, you are forced to thrive off of faith’s fuel. If you manage to skip faith, you create an imbalance in your journey because there is no substance to support the work you are pursuing.