I AM QUEEN Issue 08 | Page 29

When you slide on a layer of self-respect, day in and day out, you will become more and more attractive to the whole world. Others will know that they can’t treat you poorly, ever.


If you are always beating yourself for mistakes big and small then its time that you dip your whole essence into some self-compassion. You will emerge feeling and looking stronger than ever. It will empower you to move past your mistakes much quicker. And a woman that can keep putting one heeled shoe in front of the other no matter what comes her way is a sexy and unstoppable woman.


I can’t express this enough. God wants you to take total and complete care of yourself no matter what. But sadly, not enough Queens are doing so on a daily basis. You need to take care of yourself emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually every single day. That means practicing forgiveness, unplugging from the rest of the world, eating healthy, and removing your self away from toxic people, just to name a few ideas. Slipping into some self-care every morning while standing in the mirror and looking at your beautiful self while give you the confidence to tackle the day head on.

Remember: A Queen Gets dressed every single day to be her best.

All four of these accessories serve as the basis for a real Queen’s wardrobe. Put these on everyday and watch how your life will transform because God will know that you are ready for more blessings.