I AM QUEEN Issue 08 | Page 13

Dear Reader,

I am so sorry to hear of your misfortune! And overcoming a loss can sometimes be one of the hardest things to do in life. As there is no one size fit all solution to this problem, I would say this to you; while your home may no longer be yours on paper the fact that you are able to live there is still a blessing. Imagine not having a place to stay at all. You couldn’t, right? Here are a few things to consider:

Are you in good health? If yes, this means that you are able to seek some form of employment or start a new business which will allow you the opportunity to assist with the mortgage of your home.

It all starts with you! What are you feeding your thoughts, as we attract what we think on the most. If your thoughts are always negative you will never find good in any situation.

Share your feelings- One on the main misconception that we have in life is that we must suffer in silence. This should not be the case. Whatever it is that has you consumed on the inside let It out. Find someone that you can confide in and share your thoughts.

Celebrate your milestones- small steps lead to great progress. While every accomplishment does not require bells and whistles, celebrate the small moments of progression. Maybe you were able to send out 10 more resumes this week in hopes of landing a job, and doing that got you an interview, Hooray! Celebrate it, no matter how small.

Remember that you and you alone control how you feel

With Love,


Do you have a question for Kay? Email her: [email protected]

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