Maximum Yield Cannabis USA August / September 2017 | Page 20

grow When it Comes to Cannabis... Not All μmol are Created Equal A new grow lamp lighting standard put forward by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers could affect licensed commercial cannabis growers. by A subcommittee of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engi- neers (ASABE) recently defined photosyn- thetic photon flux (PPF) as the main metric to measure lighting for plant growth. Many organizations and utilities will likely adopt a PPF standard of 1.6 micromoles per joule (μmol/J) as the minimum level for lighting systems at which occupancy permits may be issued and rebates may be offered to licensed growers. This new standard has many limitations and does not account for how spectral quality affects plant growth or what different qualities of light are needed for the vegetative and flowering stages. The new ASABE Standard X640 will normalize the world of grow lighting for plants into a single common metric. Light- ing, artificial or supplemental, will be categorized into one classification of “goodness.” That metric is micromoles per second, or, in use of energy, micromoles per joule. It doesn’t matter whether one grows leafy lettuce, watermelons, or cannabis; or if one is cloning, starting seeds, or flowering, the metric will be the same. It’s like measuring the quality of a car based on fuel efficiency only. 18 grow. heal. learn. enjoy.