Human Futures No. 2 May 2018 | Page 20

Mexico: Global Videconferences for professional training in prospective. Guillermina Baena Paz Mgter. LUIS RAGNO and Lic. JAVIER VITALE presenting the Trajectory of Prospecta Argentina 2012 and 2014 and Presentation of Prospecta 2017 Dra. GUILLERMINA BAENA PAZ, Mgter. LUCIO HENAO and Lic. JAVIER VI TALE initiating the FIRST IBERO-AMERICAN SYMPOSIUM OF THE WORLD FUTURE STUDIES FEDERATION (WFSF) of the Prospective and Strategy Institute (Peru), Eng. OMAR AMED DEL CARPIO RODRÍGUEZ, CEO, ProjectA + (Peru), Mgter. WALTER HUGO TORRES BUSTAMANTE, National University of Trujillo (Peru) and more than 20 national exhibitors. On this occasion, and in a complementary manner, the FIRST IBERO-AMERICAN SYMPOSIUM OF THE WORLD FUTURE STUDIES FEDERATION (WFSF) was also held with the purpose of reflecting on and discussing disciplinary integration in Latin American and Caribbean foresight. The disciplinary view was made from the ontological, the epistemological, the theoretical, the methodological, and the technical-instrumental. In addition to the practice, teaching and the disciplinary organization and the FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE LATIN AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN NETWORKS OF FORESIGHT, under the sponsorship of the Ibero-American Program of Science and Technology for Development (CYTED) of the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture. This meeting aims to share the main activities developed and results achieved in 2017 and outline the annual plan of operations 2018. The recently created Confederation with the objective of contributing to the consolidation of the prospective community of Latin America and its strategic positioning in the areas of decision-making to sustain public policies and orient actions of organized civil society and entrepreneurship, organically linking State-Society-Market. Senses were also paid homage to the Dra. GUILLERMINA BAENA PAZ, for her contribution from Latin America to the development of global foresight, to the Mgter. LUCIO MAURICIO HENAO VELEZ, for his contribution to the development and consolidation of this CEP and the incorporation of foresight in the National University of Cuyo and Eng. Manuel E. Espinosa, for his dedication and commitment to the development of our CEP. DIALOGUE AND REFLECTIONS In the Congress, the most important debates were focused on the foresight and advances in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The linking of foresight, surveillance and intelligence as a strategy to address innovation; socio-economic integration in the geopolitics of regional development; access, use and management of water resources, building future and alternative interventions, from the future; about the future of education and the new paradigms of teaching and learning; about the cities of today’s cities of tomorrow, keys to an alternative urban-territorial development; on the future of food and the challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean; and the Social Demand and Labor Market of Higher Education. 20 The event allowed observing the diversity and heterogeneity of approaches and applications of foresight and the need to reflect on the theory and practice of the discipline. The need for social leadership and the union of Latin American and Caribbean prospectivists was also explored to contribute to the development and sustainability of the disciplinary field based on tools for the collective construction of knowledge and action. Central axes of the 1st Ibero-American Symposium of the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF). Foresight for education Panel - TERCER PROSPECTA ARGENTINA 2017 During eight years this videoconference has been an annual event. Internationally recognized characters have participated, and it has been a real honor to have them. I appreciate your cooperation that they accepted with great responsibility and enthusiasm, among them: Jennifer Gidley (Australian), Sohail Inayatullah (Pakistan), Lucio Mauricio Henao (Colombian), Manuel Cervera (Mexican), Verne Wheelwright (North American), Vahid Motlagh (Irani), José Ramos (Australian), Jorge Mattar from ILPES CEPAL (in Chile), James Dator (from Hawaii), Jordi Serra (Spanish), Karen Hurley (Canadian), Martha Jaramillo (Colombian), Andy Hines (North American), Alethia Montero (Mexican), Joam Evans (Spanish), Francisco Canedo (Bolivian), Rakesh Kapoor (Hindu), Larry Taub (Israeli), Erik Overland (Norwegian), Rex Miller (French); Peter Bishop (North American), Karl Schoeder (Canadian). The videoconferences are programme d from eight to sixteen participations every month, from February to October without counting July. We broadcast on YouTube from the Faculty of Political Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. For the first time in 2017, twenty institutions joined the call, and 35 participants met looking for plausible futures for Latin America and the Caribbean. The region is already visible, and we have initiated a permanent dialogue between ourselves and with many other countries on the planet. We are a region of similar cultures and similar emotions. Our dreams come together; we make goals, particular purposes ... Now is the best time in history to be alive said the Oxford Martin Commission. We have megatrends that mark important changes in the evolution of society, many of them tend to persist in the long term although sometimes their impacts are not immediately evident. Presenting a painting of the future can be risky. It can allow us to jump “distant and fragile shadows” and thus leave us destitute when the real world knocks on the door, but we still try. We are a planet with many risks cultures, perspectives and identities and a perfect storm shaped by climate change, energy, food, M AY 2 0 1 8 HUMAN FUTURES and water. Faced with all the adversities that haunt us and all the misfortunes that our peoples, our marginalized, our displaced, are living, we can not renounce our future; we can not remain the gray, oppressed, vilified spot. Those of us here believe in the future and strive to build it day by day. Although at every moment the soul empties with hopelessness and pain when seeing how what is produced can be destroyed in seconds. Despite that, we keep walking, because ahead there is more chance of finding our historical utopias: Latin American integration and the end of empires. As León Felipe said, the issue is not that someone arrives first, but with everyone and on time. We are in the precise present, sheltered in the still. Eight years ago this was a utopia, that which is always before us, but as Galeano says, the utopia for that purpose, to teach us to walk. From Cuba, Fabio Grobart inspires a united future, “with everyone and for the good of all”, in search of a grammatical time that had been lost, that time is the future ... Now is the best time in history to be alive ... Asociación Peruana de Prospectiva y Estudios del Futuro; Centro de Estudios Prospectivos y Universidad del Cuyo, Mendoza Argentina; Confederación de Redes de Prospectiva-CYTED; Consejo Chileno de Prospectiva y Estrategia; Escuela de Gestores Municipales (EGM) del Gobierno Autónomo Municipal de La Paz (GAMLP); PROJECTA+, Perú; Instituto de Gobierno y Gestión Pública de la Universidad de San Martín de Porres, Lima, Perú; PROPAZ, Guatemala; PROSERES, Colombia; PROSPECTA, Bolivia; Red Inter-institucional de Investigación y Extensión en Estudios Sociales Agrarios, Argentina; Red PROTERRIS-INTA, Argentina; SAGRE, Brasil; Seminario de Estudios Prospectivos, FCPS-UNAM, México; Unidad de Posgrado de la Escuela Militar de Ingeniería, Bolivia; Universidad del Valle de Cali, Colombia; Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, Chile; Universidad del Externado, Colombia; Vicepresidencia de la Región Iberoamericana de la World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF) Convocan al Seminario Internacional de Formación Profesional en Prospectiva VIDEOCONFERENCIAS 2017 ESTRATEGIAS PARA GESTIONAR FUTUROS EN IBEROAMÉRICA PROGRAMA Hora de México: 11 a 13 horas MÓDULO 1 Febrero 24 La “Post truth”. Colombia: Javier Medina; Lucio Henao; Carlos William Mera; Francisco Mojica. Marzo 31 Los caminos difíciles del futuro. Guatemala: Carlos Sarti; El Salvador: Arnoldo Cornejo; Cuba: Fabio Grobart; Costa Rica: Margarita Vargas Calvo. Abril 28 En búsqueda de nuevas opciones. Ecuador: Jean Paul Pinto ; Uruguay: Carina Nalerio; Bolivia: Tatiana Aguilar; Diego Coca; Venezuela: Luis G. Caraballo. Mayo 26 Planificación gubernamental y políticas públicas. Argentina: Luis Ragno; Javier Vitale; Pablo Andrés Curarello; Manuel Mari. Junio30 El camino de construcción de futuros. Chile: Patricio Oportus; Paola Aceituno; Sergio Bitar. MÓDULO 2 Agosto 25 La sólida construcción de la visión de futuro en Perú. Fernando Ortega; Carlos Peralta Delgado; María Gabriela García; Omar del Carpio. Septiembre 29 El largo plazo y la política como obstáculo. Brasil: Raúl Sturari; Rosa Alegría. La urgente visión prospectiva. México: Manuel Cervera; Guillermina Baena; Sergio Montero; Tomás Miklos. Octubre 27 Los futuros de América Latina. México: Antonio Alonso Concheiro; España: Enric Bas y Mario Guilló; ILPES-CEPAL: Luis Mauricio Cuervo. OBJETIVO. Proponer estrategias de gobernabilidad y gobernanza para gestionar futuros plausibles para Iberoamérica Si no podremos alcanzar la velocidad y desarrollo de la tecnología de los países más avanzados ¿Qué otras respuestas podemos tener? ¿Cómo están resolviendo su futuro otros países? ¿Qué opciones tenemos ante las situaciones geopolíticas que enfrentamos? Registro gratuito en cada sede convocante con derecho a constancia de asistencia para uno o los dos módulos, o diploma si se entrega un artículo que se incorporará a un texto digital. Trasmisión por You tube en: VC DECyV FCPyS. Coordinación General: Dra. Guillermina Baena Paz (México). [email protected] PAPIME 2017 PE302117 CYTED P616RT0223 21