Huffington Magazine Issue 49 | Page 52

D By RADLEY BALKO BISBEE, ARIZ. — During a session of afternoon cocktails around the patio table in the brightly painted backyard of notorious standup comedian Doug Stanhope, Melissa Reaves begins to strum an acoustic guitar. She fiddles a bit, settles into a bluesy groove, then starts to sing. In a throaty wail, she belts out lyrics that, it turns out, she’s making up on the spot. It’s a bit of party trick, writing songs as she’s performing them. And so she sings about this reporter, in town to write about her; about her partner, Jennifer Garland, who is sitting next to her; and about the gay marriage debate that’s broken out in this quirky little town of 5,500 people about 10 miles from the Mexican border. PHOTOGRAPHS BY RADLEY BALKO Jennifer Garland (left) and Melissa Reaves will be the first couple in Arizona to enter into a civil union should Bisbee pass a resolution this month.