Huffington Magazine Issue 23-24 | Page 16

HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE HUFFINGTON 11.18.12 Enter PREVIOUS PAGE: STEPHANIE BASSOSS; THIS PAGE: COURTESY OF INDO Q&A W HAT DO YOU see when you imagine a holiday window display? Tiny elves? A dated Santa’s workshop, trudged out year after year to entice the same weary shoppers into the same stores? Linsey Burritt and Crystal Grover don’t. The co-creators of Chicago design firm INDO are rethinking retail with their innovative, recycled window designs—think a colossal maze of reused Styrofoam cups, or a beautiful cascade of paper cylinders. Their work is a visual treat that lasts long beyond the holiday season.   — Kate Palmer Sustainability and eco-friendly materials are part of your ethos. How did that take shape? It was just how we make decisions in our personal lives. When we started out, though, we used to use props. And we would borrow them from [Chicago antique store] Salvage One. It grew organically into using discarded materials. By now you must have a network of people giving you these things, but how did you get started asking people for their leftover materials? I think it just started with friends, and friends of friends. We looked at all the INDO collaborated with designer Jason Wu and advertisers Young and Laramore on this window display that mimics the look of ink being dropped into water.