
Take measurements Max Fit Keto and track this measurements as you go on your weight loss journey. You should take account of your body weight, the measurements of your waistline, circumference of your legs, arms, chest and neck. Write this information down in a journal that you will be writing in daily. Once you have these measurements, there is still some information that we need to gather before you can start on your weight loss diet plan. The next information will be absolutely required to know what your caloric intake should be. For the next 7 days, I want you to record everything that goes into your mouth. Don't omit anything, water, coffee, soda, that hard piece of candy you got off of your co-workers desk, it all counts. Carry a small notebook with you and record this information as you eat it, this will be much more accurate than trying to account for what you ate at the end of the day. After 7 days, you should now have a decent understanding of your daily food intake. Do a search on the internet for everything that you consumed. Look up what the calories are for each item. Add them up and get your daily calorie count for each day. Add these numbers then divide by 7, this will be your average daily intake of calories. Now take that Max Fit Keto number and subtract 500 from it. This will be your new daily calorie goal. Removing 500 calories a day from your diet is actually fairly easy considering one 12 oz can of soda has 160 calories in it.