HRM 310 MASTER Think Big / HRM 310 MASTER Think Big / | Page 22

§ Use the Responsibility Chart and include this chart in your plan. § Who will do what, where, when, and how? Often a responsibility chart can be useful to track these things. Contingency Planning § What are the critical decision points? Who makes those decisions? § What should be done if the decision or event does not go as planned? § What plans can be made to account for these contingencies? If you can, draw a decision tree of the action plan and lay out the decision- event sequence. Measurement of Change § How will it be determined that the goal or change project has been successfully implemented? At times, success will be obvious (e.g., a new system in place). At other times, success will be more difficult to measure (e.g., attitudes toward the adoption and acceptance of a new system). § What intermediate signals will indicate that progress is being made? What is the first step or sequence of steps? Transition Strategy Formulate a transition strategy that includes a communications proposal. § How will the transition be managed? § Who will make the innumerable decisions required to handle the details?