HPE 91 – March 2019 | Page 4

p1_hpe92_cover_v3.indd 1 18/06/2019 14:00 Figure reproduced with permission from IQVIA Institute *Asthmatic features/features suggesting steroid responsiveness in this context include any previous secure diagnosis of asthma or atopy, a higher blood eosinophil count, substantial variation in FEV1 over time (at least 400 ml) or substantial diurnal variation in peak expiratory flow (at least 20%) This is a summary of the recommendations on non-pharmacological management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and use of inhaled therapies in people over 16. The guideline also covers diagnosis and other areas of management. See www.nice.org.uk/guidance/NG115 © NICE 2018. All rights reserved. Subject to Notice of rights. Re-register to continue receiving Hospital Pharmacy Europe P17 Issue 92 | 2019 hospitalpharmacyeurope.com Updated COPD NICE guidelines P12 Quality care with biosimilars P22 Intravenous ibuprofen P26 REVIEW COPD: overview of updated NICE guidance The guidance addresses many current clinically relevant issues in the diagnosis and management of patients with COPD but acknowledges that evidence is still lacking or unclear in some areas, leading to recommendations for research FIGURE 1 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in over 16s: non-pharmacological management and use of inhaled therapies Fundamentals of COPD care Confirmed •Offer treatment and support to stop smoking diagnosis •Offer pneumococcal and influenza vaccinations •Offer pulmonary rehabilitation if indicated of COPD •Co-develop a personalised self-management plan •Optimise treatment for comorbidities These treatments and plans should be revisited at every review Ravijyot Saggu BPharm MRPharmS Clin Dip IP Senior Clinical Pharmacist, University College Hospital London NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK In December ember 2018, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) published its long-awaited update to the 2010 guideline on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in over the update and previous guideline, and other 16-year-olds. -olds. A long time had elapsed between guidance, such as that produced (and updated more frequently) by the Global initiative for chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD), has been useful in the interim to individualise treatment for patients. This article will outline the significant changes in the NICE guidance. COPD is a progressive long-term condition and leading cause of death and disability; it has an estimated cost to the National Health Service over £800 million pounds per year. The mortality rate in England is roughly 23,000 deaths each year (around one person every 20 minutes). 1 COPD is associated with current or history of smoking and/or biomass fuel/noxious particle exposure and usually affecting people over the age of 35 years (and often diagnosed in their 50’s). The ageing population is living for longer, often with a poorer quality of life, which itself presents P8 a challenge to the healthcare system. Current generations may have started smoking from a younger age than previous, resulting in earlier onset of poor health. Prevalence is associated with geographical levels of deprivation and is increasing; many millions remain undiagnosed and by 2020, COPD will be the third leading cause of death globally. 1,2 COPD is characterised by breathlessness and cough. Patients will typically experience exacerbations (some patients more so) which negatively impacts disease progression, rates of hospitalisation on and readmission and health status. The number of exacerbations in the year prior is the strongest predictor of a patient’s future exacerbation frequency. 3 The rate of lung function decline is faster in the earlier r stages of the disease, which can be modified by treatment. 1 The new guideline specifically acknowledges the need for a secure diagnosis, made using signs and symptoms and confirmed through spirometry by appropriately trained healthcare workers (who have up to date skills and are competent in interpreting results). This includes noting exacerbation history, excluding conditions such as asthma/cancer and consideration n of alternative diagnoses such as alpha-1 antitrypsin trypsin disease. Diagnosis should also be considered in symptomatic individuals with normal spirometry. Oral steroids should not be used for reversibility testing or to predict response to inhaled corticosteroid id (ICS) in individuals. 2 Pharmacogenomics Key opinion leaders and emerging research suggest that there are disease phenotypes (frequent exacerbator or persistent symptomatic patient). 3 Start inhaled therapies only if: However, SPONSORED the place of inhaled triple therapy (where access to quality medicines, efficient use of While the analytical characterisation phase of •all the above interventions have been offered ‘triple therapy’ refers to use of long-acting beta healthcare budgets, and healthy levels of supply and biosimilar development aims to match both the (if appropriate), and agonist (LABA), long-acting anti-muscarinic agent competition. •inhaled therapies are needed to relieve (LAMA) and ICS together), asthma–COPD quality overlap patient care 3 Ultimately, it must meet the needs structure and function of the candidate biosimilar to Upholding of all stakeholders including patients, healthcare the reference product, minor structural differences breathlessness or exercise limitation management, role of eosinophils 3 and role of professionals/providers, payers and manufacturers are acceptable provided they do not impact macrolide antibiotics in disease management are (Figure 1). also important considerations biosimilars 3 function. 19,20 If structural comparisons leave residual with (which the guideline uncertainties, functional studies are the first step in attempts to address) but require longer term data Pathway to the pharmacy: critical quality addressing these. Dr McBride presented an example to further The role inform of biosimilars future practice. in upholding Updates quality in this patient care was explored during an Amgen Europe- attributes of a candidate biosimilar product which fell outside Inhaled therapies guideline sponsored have been satellite made symposium on the following: at the 2 24th Congress of the European Association of Hospital D r Helen McBride began by summarising the of the defined glycosylation quality range during •Investigations, including incidental findings differences between biologics and chemically structural analysis. However, functional testing Pharmacists (EAHP), Barcelona, Spain on 28 March 2019 Offer SABA or SAMA to use if needed CT scans – primary care review, advice for patients synthesised generic drugs, biologics being larger associated with glycosylation showed that the to return if respiratory symptoms appear, offering and structurally more complex. 7–9 The complexity biosimilar remained within the defined functional smoking cessation and discussing the potential risk of biologics, particularly monoclonal antibodies, quality range. 20 Another challenge that biosimilar of lung cancer is reflected in the potential for post-translational manufacturers may face is an observed shift in the Person still breathless or has exacerbations despite treatment? •Prognosis – to avoid use of a multidimensional modifications that can, in turn, affect mechanism structure and/or function of the reference product, index such as BODE to assess prognosis of action, bioavailability, clearance, immunogenicity, for example due to manufacturing changes. This was •Inhaled therapies – to discuss risk of pneumonia effector function and binding. 10,11 Manufacturing encountered during the development of rituximab and ICS use with patients. Minimising the number of biological products is a proprietary multistep and trastuzumab biosimilars. 21,22 No asthmatic features/features suggesting steroid Asthmatic features/features and types Dr of Gunar inhalers Stemer patients (Vienna use and General ensuring Hospital, they of treatment) and release funds for new medicines process, with each manufacturer using proprietary Dr McBride concluded that analytical responsiveness* suggesting steroid responsiveness* are trained Vienna) on use opened and chaired the symposium, as they come to market. 2–4 While biosimilars can techniques and unique cell lines. 10,12 Posttranslational modifications can be influenced establishing similarity in CQAs for the biosimilar characterisation, including identifying and •Oral with phosphodiesterase presentations from 4 inhibitors Dr Helen are McBride mentioned (Amgen help to mitigate the explosion in cancer care costs, in line Biosimilars, with the USA), associated Professor 2017 João technology Gonçalves appraisal education is needed to correct any misperception of by the manufacturing process (for example, cell Analytical testing candidate and reference product, forms the •Prophylactic (University antibiotics of Lisbon, Portugal) – recommendations and Mr Simon made inferior quality compared with originator medicines type and culture conditions, purification, and raw forms the strong foundation of biosimilar development. However, it Offer LABA + LAMA Consider LABA + ICS on (unlicensed) Cheesman (University use of azithromycin College London Hospitals and, therefore, support acceptance and maximum materials) 13,14 and hence the manufacturing process basis of must be considered as part of the whole totality of •Oxygen NHS Foundation therapy – eligibility Trust, UK). of patients for uptake. 5 must be tightly controlled to ensure product evidence – comprising analytical characterisation, establishing the and risks of prescription (including short burst When selecting a biosimilar and evaluating which consistency and quality over time. 13,15,16 non-clinical studies and clinical studies (PK/ and Supporting ambulatory use) sustainable and consideration quality care for use product offers the best value, criteria to consider Biosimilar development is performed via a fact you have pharmacodynamics [PD], efficacy and safety) − For ALL inhaled therapies: Person still breathless or has exacerbations despite in pulmonary Global spending hypertension medicines (noting is this increasing is not and the include: production process/manufacturer; product stepwise approach to demonstrate biosimilarity and a biosimilar in order to justify and confirm biosimilarity and Train people in correct inhaler technique, and further treatment? a treatment cost of biological for breathlessness medicines and is a not major effective driver for this specifications; clinical efficacy; and clinical safety bioequivalence to the reference product. 10,12 The goal clinical equivalence. 16–18 review medication and assess inhaler technique and isolated increase: nocturnal 1 the overall hypoxaemia global costs caused of by medicines COPD) are and tolerability. 6 For pharmacists in particular, of biosimilar development is to demonstrate clinical adherence regularly •Managing projected pulmonary to exceed US hypertension $1.5 trillion and by cor 2023. 1 further considerations include: ease of use/route equivalence, not to independently re-establish safety Monoclonal antibodies in the pharmacy: pulmonale Dr Gunar – advice Stemer on described optimised three therapies potential of administration, vial size, storage considerations and efficacy Offer which have already been extensively practical considerations •Lung approaches volume reduction to achieve (LVR) sustainability surgery and in the face of (including packaging and stability), supply chain studied in clinical LAMA trials + LABA of + the ICSreference product Professor João Gonçalves started his presentation procedures limited healthcare – updated advice resources: to increase increase uptake/access healthcare reliability, support/education, reimbursement and (Figure 2). 16–18 Analytical characterisation forms the by noting how the extensive analytical and •Self-management/exacerbation budgets, improve efficiency, and/or plans – limit developed the medical price. 6 Dr Stemer explained that in respect to the foundation of biosimilar development, establishing quality characterisation that is required during in collaboration offering. Of these with options, patients improving and carers. efficiency is tendering process for biosimilars, a multi-tender/ similarity of both structure and function to that of biosimilar development has not only given These the most supplement attractive. the existing recommendations multiple ‘winner’ model may be preferable to the reference product. 16–18 Biosimilar manufacturers confidence in biosimilar use but has also provided on: Biosimilar medicines can play an important role a single tender/single ‘winner’ model in terms of start with limited knowledge of the reference important insights that can be applied to biologics •diagnosing in improving COPD efficiency using symptoms, by driving spirometry cost savings and overall cost (competition keeps price Explore down) further and, treatment options if needed (see product; guideline) therefore, biosimilars are developed more broadly. Such insights have influenced other and tests reducing ‘wasteful’ spending on more costly therefore, sustainability. 3 based on information from testing the reference the European Medicine Agency’s ‘Guideline on •managing alternatives. stable 2 As COPD such, using the potential nebulisers, savings oral from Dr Stemer concluded by highlighting the role of product and establishing a list of critical quality good pharmacovigilance practices’. 23 During the therapy biosimilars and pulmonary – in addition rehabilitation to generic drugs – represent hospital pharmacists in supporting sustainability of attributes (CQAs) that need to be matched within development of a trastuzumab biosimilar, for •multidisciplinary an important tool management for achieving of efficient stable COPD, and care by ensuring responsible, criteria-based product an expected quality range (Figure 3). 12,16–19 CQAs example, shifts in antibody-dependent cellular including sustainable physiotherapy, healthcare occupational systems. 2,3 The therapy, availability of selection, providing education, and safeguarding are specific attributes that can impact biologic toxicity (ADCC) were observed in the trastuzumab nutrition biosimilars and palliative also has the carepotential to increase patient the onboarding of biosimilars. Sustainable care activity, such as potency, pharmacokinetics (PK) reference product; these shifts were associated •managing access to exacerbations biological medicines of COPD (by in reducing primary care the cost encompasses multiple factors including patient and immunogenicity. 12 with manufacturing changes, highlighting and in hospital. NICE FIGURE has produced 1 a visual summary alongside FIGURE 2 the guidance, covering non-pharmacological A multi-stakeholder definition of sustainability for the biosimilars Biosimilar development: a stepwise approach to demonstrating bioequivalence and management and use of inhaled therapies (Figure 1). They marketplace also published concurrent 3 antimicrobial biosimilarity to the reference product 16–18 12 | Issue 92 | 2019 | hospitalpharmacyeurope.comm hospitalpharmacyeurope.com | 2019 | Issue 92 | 13 Originator development 18 Demonstrate safety and effectiveness with adequate and well-controlled substantial evidence for a new product Clinical studies (efficacy and safety) (PK/PD) With the use of biosimilars, the costs go down and you can generate cost savings in the overall healthcare budget Non-clinical studies Analytical testing Biosimilar development 16–18 Demonstrate clinical equivalence (efficacy, safety and immunogenicity) to the reference product, but not independently re-establish safety and efficacy 22 | Issue 92 | 2019 | hospitalpharmacyeurope.com hospitalpharmacyeurope.com | 2019 | Issue 92 | 23