HP Innovation Journal Special Edition: Retail Transformation | Page 26

DAAS: THE NEW WAY TO BUY POS A Q&A with HP’s Jonathan Nikols and Lorri Jefferson WHY IS DAAS A GREAT FIT FOR POS? JONATHAN NIKOLS : Retail is changing rapidly, with new omnichannel solu- tions to create a differentiated buying experience. HP DaaS (Device-as-a-Service) addresses several pain points: the ability to manage multi-OS and multi-vendor devices, keep them secure, and focus IT resources on the overall business versus maintaining a fleet of devices. Another real advantage is predictability of costs. Instead of large capital outlays, you can budget against growth. POS fleets are not static; retailers are always opening and closing stores. DaaS enables the flexibility to take devices out of active use until they are needed. WHAT MAKES HP DAAS DIFFERENT? LORRI JEFFERSON: In retail, hardware quality is very important because it is JONATHAN NIKOLS VP and Global Head of DaaS, HP how you process transactions and make money. We have some unique IP around analytics and proactive management, available as a platform. We can give retail- ers insights they do not have today, to drive better choices about how to keep these critical devices up and running. For example, we can tell if your hard drives are going to fail, and if the batteries in an mPOS will no longer provide an all-day charge. That prevents downtime, which can be disastrous for retailers. HOW DOES DAAS ENSURE POS IS ALWAYS UP TO DATE? LORRI: With DaaS, some companies, especially franchisors, build automatic hardware refreshes into their contracts. This ensures they can offer the latest innovations, because their hardware is current across all units. LORRI JEFFERSON VP and Head of Software and Services Product Management, HP In addition, under the more advanced DaaS plans we are responsible for keeping the system up to date, such as with apps and patches, so it is ready for new capa- bilities. We also monitor software status using analytics; if something exceeds a threshold, we investigate. Preventing an unhealthy and unsafe operating environ- ment is important. If you do not keep up, malware can enter the system. WHAT’S THE BEST WAY TO APPROACH BUYING VS. DAAS? JONATHAN: Our ROI and TCO tool has been validated by industry analyst data. This helps retailers walk through the costs of acquisition, management and maintenance, change management and loaded overhead costs, as well as things like the impact of productivity enhancements, security avoidance costs, analytics and proactive management. Those are combined into a singular business output to see the real impact of the DaaS model. This is a new way to acquire POS, but as-a-service will continue to grow. This is absolutely the way the industry is going. 24 HP Innovation Journal: Retail Transformation