HP Innovation Journal Issue 11: Winter 2018 | Page 63

healthcare diagnostics. Our precision microfluidic devices can be used for precise control of reagents in order to perform automated, high-speed healthcare diagnostic tests—just in the lab for now, but the potential is inspiring. printed. Printing allows us to accessorize the world around us, and that is never going away. How do you see print technology changing manufacturing in the future? As society grows and industrializes at an accelerated rate, people are raising their living standards. In turn, they will consume more goods and services. At HP, we provide digital printing services that provide consumers with valuable information, including tracking and customization. For example, consider recent food recalls. With digital printing, we can secure, track, and trace items in order to communicate directly with a consumer who purchased that product. GLENN What advice would you give to the next generation of technologists? Have fun while you get stuff done—you have one of the best jobs in the history of the world! Work on projects and ideas that you are passionate about, and figure out how to connect that passion to value creation for the company and, more broadly, to making people’s lives better. PAUL What role does collaboration play in innovation? It’s impossible to do anything of magnitude without extensive collaboration inside and outside of your organization. I am always impressed with how HP innovators collaborate worldwide. They have a special ability to work cross-team, cross-country, and cross-culture. GLENN GLENN HOPKINS C h i ef Te ch n o l o gis t , P rint B u sin e s s & G l o b a l H e a d of P rint Te ch n o l o gy Re se a rch & D eve l o p m e nt , H P Glen Hopkins serves as the Chief Technologist for our Print business. When he’s not focused on the future of print, you can find him backpacking in the wilderness outside of Yosemite National Park in California. Why is printing important to the human experience? It’s easy to think of print as something simple, like ink on a piece of paper. At HP, we know print is much more than that. Print enables us to experience the world around us. Wherever you are, take a look around you and think about the things that are marked—a tag on your seat, the rug beneath your feet, the items on the walls—all of those things were GLENN What advice would you give to the next generation of technologists? Innovators are blessed because they can see the future before others, and innovators are cursed because they can see the future before others. It takes vision, patience, and perseverance to take the world to a place where it needs to go but doesn’t know it exists yet. GLENN EMPLOYEE PROFILES 61