How to woo a Women How to woo a Women | Page 43

should move on . Some people are very polite and you may not realize immediately that they aren ' t interested . But , given time , it should become apparent . In the meantime , take it slow , and even if you are head over heels , don ' t reveal this right away , at least until you are sure they are genuinely interested in you , too , or they could use your attraction to their benefit .
Usually it is best to reveal one ' s feelings step by step , not much more nor much less than the other has revealed . However , people have very different ways for showing that they are or are not interested , so do not break up , or step it up , without talking things through as to where you ' re both headed . If you feel like you need time to decide , do not hesitate to talk .
Never be forceful . If you ever pressure her to do something she doesn ' t feel comfortable doing , she won ' t be shy to say goodbye . Forcing her to do what she doesn ’ t want to do is rude . Try to continue doing your normal routine , with them in mind , rather than changing your whole life around them . Hopefully they will want to have a relationship with YOU , not a clone of themselves or a tag along .
The most important thing in dating is to be conscious of your date ' s feelings and reactions . If she ' s a high-powered lawyer or a free-thinking intellectual , she may feel that your chivalry is an attempt to deprive her of her independence . However , if she ' s pleased at your holding the door for her , keep up the gallantry .
A lot of guys choose women who are " arm candy " -- good-looking trophy girlfriends who bolster

should move on . Some people are very polite and you may not realize immediately that they aren ' t interested . But , given time , it should become apparent . In the meantime , take it slow , and even if you are head over heels , don ' t reveal this right away , at least until you are sure they are genuinely interested in you , too , or they could use your attraction to their benefit .

Usually it is best to reveal one ' s feelings step by step , not much more nor much less than the other has revealed . However , people have very different ways for showing that they are or are not interested , so do not break up , or step it up , without talking things through as to where you ' re both headed . If you feel like you need time to decide , do not hesitate to talk .

Never be forceful . If you ever pressure her to do something she doesn ' t feel comfortable doing , she won ' t be shy to say goodbye . Forcing her to do what she doesn ’ t want to do is rude . Try to continue doing your normal routine , with them in mind , rather than changing your whole life around them . Hopefully they will want to have a relationship with YOU , not a clone of themselves or a tag along .

The most important thing in dating is to be conscious of your date ' s feelings and reactions . If she ' s a high-powered lawyer or a free-thinking intellectual , she may feel that your chivalry is an attempt to deprive her of her independence . However , if she ' s pleased at your holding the door for her , keep up the gallantry .

A lot of guys choose women who are " arm candy " -- good-looking trophy girlfriends who bolster