How To Sell Your Home For More How To Sell Your Home For More - Mark O'Shea | Page 153

Ray Wood How to create your Owner’s Notes & Features List Many of your home’s valuable features may well be “invisible” to your buyers so take the opportunity to share the things you love about your home and create some notes and a simple list of features your agent can pass on to buyers. You just never know, that little “gem” you didn’t think was that important might be the difference between one buyer and three. Your buyers will enjoy finding out more about what it’s like to live in your home rather than just taking in the physical features. Your Owner’s Notes take them beyond the purchase to experience the delights of actually living in their new home. Can I suggest a single sheet of paper with your Owner’s Notes (A short narrative) on one side and a bullet point list of features on the other? 0153 m HotSellerTi