How To Sell Your Home For More How To Sell Your Home For More - Mark O'Shea | Page 103

Ray Wood They began to realise the advice from their agent was accurate and agreed to another asking price reduction to $425,000 which was the top of the likely selling range estimate they had received by three agents two months earlier. After three further weeks a buyer came through the open house and made an offer of $405,000. Emily and Bill were disappointed with the way things were turning out. The price reduction had failed to stimulate buyer interest. Plus, the one buyer they did have was making offers well below what they felt their home was worth. They counter offered at $420,000. After some negotiation, their agent signed both parties to a contract at $412,000. Emily and Bill were annoyed the whole process had taken so long but pleased to have a result just the same. After more than three months on the market, they were exhausted and ready to move on. If ever in a similar situation, they would not wait so long to reduce their asking price. 0103 m HotSellerTi