How To Sell Your Home For More How To Sell Your Home For More - Adam de Jong | Page 98

How To Sell Your Home For More Before Craig and Melissa started searching for homes for sale in their area, they asked their bank how much they could borrow. The bank needed their personal financial statements and salary history along with a credit check and completed loan application. After processing the application, the mortgage officer approved a loan of $360,000 subject to a valuation of the purchased home. Craig and Melissa had saved $60,000 giving them a total of $420,000 to spend. They knew there would be costs of about $10,000 when they purchased so they both agreed they could afford up to $410,000. They began online searches for homes in their price range and in their desired area. They also researched recent sales in the area and discovered homes were selling quite close to the asking price. Because Craig and Melissa both worked six days a week, time was precious and they could really only afford to look at homes for sale in 098