How To Sell Your Home For More How To Sell Your Home For More - Adam de Jong | Page 125

Ray Wood my insurance company I get a voice! Oh bliss, a voice! No recorded options and buttons to press. They care about me and respect me as a client. I’m someone to them. It’s a small thing but I really appreciate it. What kind of experience did you get from the agents you interviewed? Keep in mind that buyers will be influenced by the experience they receive from your agent. 5. Hire the best! The agents who pride themselves on getting the best results will not necessarily be the ones who charge the lowest fees for service. However, they will be the cheapest in the long run. Let me explain. Again, keep in mind the price of your property is not fixed. It can be substantially influenced up or down in true freemarket conditions. Ultimately, your sales price will be determined by the skill of your agent to secure a buyer who commits to a contract and pays the highest possible price. Consider your net result. The cheapest agent is the one that can NET you the most. It pays handsomely to hire the agent who has what it takes to maximise your outcome with marketing and negotiating skill. The success of 0125 m HotSellerTi