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Crisis keywords are important for every marketing campaign, whether you are using organic search engine optimization or PPC advertising. Just remember to pinpoint the problem your audience is having and adapt your keywords to match their needs. Long Tail Keywords There are two instances when you would want to look at long tail keywords. First, there is PPC advertising. With advertising, the more keywords you have, the better. That means you’ll want lists of several thousand keywords. The second is development of an authority site. You could write a dog training website with 10 pages of content, but if you want it to become an authority site, you would want to start specializing pages for breeds, such as “Labrador retriever food bowl aggression”. That’s a long tail keyword because you’ve added specific details to the basic term of “food bowl aggression” that can be changed depending on the several hundred dog breeds out there. Finding long tails will require a bit of research, both on your own and with tools. If you don’t know a niche especially well, this will be extra important to ensure you don’t miss any potentially valuable keywords. Buying Keywords Other keywords that perform really well are buying keywords – terms people will use when they are ready to make a purchase. Product and author names are one example of this, as are any keywords that end with “review”. Other examples include buy, order, and purchase. Forum Research 18 Find out How to Stop Hemorrhaging Money and Start Making Bank with AffiloJetpack: