How to get rid of acne quickly and effectively? How to get rid of acne quickly and effectively?

So , what causes acne ?
How do I get rid of my acne quickly ?

How to get rid of acne quickly and effectively :

So , what causes acne ?
Acne is caused when tiny holes in the skin , known as pores or hair follicles , become blocked​ . ​Sebaceous glands are tiny glands found near the surface of your skin . The glands are attached to hair follicles , which are small holes in your skin that an individual hair grows out of . Sebaceous glands lubricate the hair and the skin to stop it drying out . They do this by producing an oily substance called sebum . In acne , the glands begin to produce too much sebum . The excess sebum ( naturally produced oil ) combines with dead skin cells and both substances form a blockage in the follicle . If the blocked follicle is close to the surface of the skin , it bulges outwards , creating a whitehead or pimple . Alternatively , the plugged follicle can be open to the skin , creating a blackhead . Normally harmless bacteria that live on the skin can then contaminate and infect the plugged follicles , causing papules , pustules , nodules or cysts .
How do I get rid of my acne quickly ?
Getting rid of acne is actually very simple - when you ' re using the right products . The aim is to keep the amount of oil on your face balanced so that it is neither too dry or too oily - both cause acne . To accomplish this , it is necessary that you cleanse and moisturise your skin twice a day . Sounds easy right ?
Well , there ’ s more to it . Cleansing your skin effectively is actually a very sensitive and complicated process . Applying to much cleanser , rubbing your skin to hard and wiping down with a towel can all cause breakouts .
To cleanse effectively use warm water to rinse your face , making sure to wash away all traces of your cleanser and scrub . Use a towel to pat your face dry . Try not to rub your face when you dry it , since this can encourage wrinkles and irritate the skin .