How to Coach Yourself and Others Coaching With Meta Communication | Page 84

2. Fact Disclosure This level of communication is slightly deeper than small talk in that you disclose facts about yourself without triggering topics of emotional interest. The purpose of fact disclosure is to find out if you have something in common. You can use these common areas to build a bridge of friendship later on. You may want to talk about your career or occupation, hobbies, where you live, etc. Avoid topics like marriage, divorce, politics, sex, and religion in this second level of communication. With a little creative thinking, and the use of open-ended questions, you should easily find a topic that interests you both. If you find a topic of mutual interest then you may choose to progress to the next level of communication: sharing viewpoints and opinions. 3. Share Viewpoints and Opinions Once you have established that the other person is “safe” through small talk, and the two of you have found areas of common interest, you can build rapport by sharing your opinions and viewpoints. By sharing your viewpoints and opinions you allow yourself to become vulnerable to the scrutiny and objections of the other person, so you would only enter this level of communication once you were comfortable that you both share positive feelings through the first two levels. Some people give an opinion about politics or religion as their starting point at this level. But you may prefer to start by commenting on the things you have in common – the things that you found through fact disclosure. This is usually a safe place to start. Be prepared to listen to the opinions of your new friend. It is just as important to listen to their viewpoint as it is that they listen to yours. This tempered, accepting exchange will enable your friendship to survive – and perhaps move forward. Make sure you don’t use your opinions as a form of “character assassination” of other people. You may be thought of as a negative person and this may cause your new friend to put distance between the two of you. Over time you will learn to find a safe distance in your communication levels, and if you are forming a genuine bond of friendship, you may eventually enter into the fourth level of communication: sharing personal feelings. 83