How to Coach Yourself and Others Coaching With Meta Communication | Page 71

Mistake #4: Letting the conversation drag Whoa! This is one of the most commonly committed errors by men -- talking too long and trying desperately to keep this hot chick in front of you for as long as possible. Until, of course, the conversation starts to lag and you find yourself toeing the floor in front of you, repeating things that were funny at the beginning of the conversation, and then finally the dreaded 10 seconds of silence before saying… OK, well I'll give you a call. You know what I am talking about. Solution -- When you get to the peak of a conversation, leave. I don't mean just walk away in mid-sentence, but while both of you are talking and laughing, just casually look at your watch and say something like, “Oh, sorry… I've got to meet a friend in about 10 minutes…” Note: Leave with phone number in hand (or at least make sure she has yours). Mistake #5: Sucking up too much You're so pretty. I love your smile. Awwww… that's so nice, but she doesn't give a damn. Interestingly, most women (especially the superattractive ones) react more favorably to teasing rather than sucking up. Sucking up doesn't give you the backbone, and certainly doesn't exude the confidence you need to land the girl. Solution -- Get a backbone and make this girl realize that she isn't going to bowl you over with looks alone. Stick out your tongue, or comment on something in her teeth. You give the impression that your standards might just be a little higher than hers… she'll be intrigued to say the least… and she won't exactly know why. Mistake #6: Talking without intention If you fail to plan, then you should plan to fail. That saying is as old as dirt -- but it's true. So why would you go up to a girl without an end plan? I don't know either. Are you after her number? Do you want to give her yours? Or are you propositioning her for the evening…? No matter how you slice it, you bette ȁ