How to Coach Yourself and Others Coaching and Counseling in Difficult Circumstances | Page 13

This book is in B&W, not color - Print page in Grayscale for Correct view! 8. Empathy in Risk Communication Column Table of Contents The Essence of Empathy: Sort-of Acknowledgment Empathy and the Kinds of Risk Communication Ten Elements of Empathic Communication 1. Feeling and Attitude: Empathy Isn’t a Strategy 2. Candor and Humanity: Being Real 3. Deflection: You – I – They – Some People – It 4. Questioning: “How Does That Make You Feel?” 5. Listening and Echoing: “I Hear You” 6. Agreement: “I Think You’re Right about That” 7. Kinds of Empathic Statements: A Typology 8. Kinds of Interpersonal Statements: Another Typology 9. Proactive Acknowledgment: “Some Things You Should Know about Me” 10. Performatives: “I Hope the Situation Will Improve Soon” Some Examples from Earth Afterword by Jody Lanard For [email protected] Property of Bookemon, do NOT distribute 15