How to Coach Yourself and Others Beware of Manipulation | Page 52

Fallacies include: Formal fallacies Formal fallacy An error in logic that can be seen in the argument's form. All formal fallacies are specific types of non sequiturs. Appeal to probability Takes something for granted because it would probably be the case (or might be the case). Argument from fallacy Assumes that if an argument for some conclusion is fallacious, then the conclusion itself is false. Base rate fallacy Making a probability judgement based on conditional probabilities, without taking into account the effect of prior probabilities. Conjunction fallacy Assumption that an outcome simultaneously satisfying multiple conditions is more probable than an outcome satisfying a single one of them. Masked man fallacy (illicit substitution of identicals) The substitution of identical designators in a true statement can lead to a false one. Propositional fallacies Propositional fallacy An error in logic that concerns compound propositions. For a compound proposition to be true, the truth values of its constituent parts must satisfy the relevant logical connectives which occur in it (most commonly: , , , , ). The following fallacies involve inferences whose correctness is not guaranteed by the behavior of those logical connectives, and hence, which are not logically guaranteed to yield true conclusions. Affirming a disjunct Concluded that one disjunct of a logical disjunction must be false because the other disjunct is true; A or B; A; therefore not B. Affirming the consequent The antecedent in an indicative conditional is claimed to be true because the consequent is true; if A, then B; B, therefore A. Denying the antecedent The consequent in an indicative conditional is claimed to be false because the antecedent is false; if A, then B; not A, therefore not B. Quantification fallacies Quantification fallacy An error in logic where the quantifiers of the premises are in contradiction to the quantifier of the conclusion. Existential fallacy An argument has a universal premise and a particular conclusion. 51