How to Coach Yourself and Others Beware of Manipulation | Page 49

g. Show their interest to find out as much as possible about the other person. For example by asking: “is there anything else in addition to that?” When somebody repeatedly tells you how great you are, how smart and beautiful, how much you stand to gain from a deal he is proposing, what extra-ordinary benefits you are about to reap, … then you better ask yourself what he wants from you, or what he will gain from the deal he is offering you. Beware of people with double standards: For example somebody who “never lies to his friends” … admits that he does lie to his enemies. In fact this kind of people in reality will also lie to his friends if this seems convenient to him. People with double standards cannot be trusted. Often, they can be recognized by the stories they are telling, because they will change their stories in order to fit the purposes B