How to Coach Yourself and Others Beware of Manipulation | Page 35

• potential loss: if you don't take advantage of my offer, you will remain restricted in your actions and possibilities in one way or another. People will always overvalue the thing a manipulator is restricting. That is why manipulators often resort to creating a state of emotion in which the victim fears the loss. This is an overwhelming feeling they won't be able to ignore. Motivated by restriction, the victim will want what you deny him. They will do anything to get it and the more you deny them, the more energy you give to your cause. • limited offer: Mr X is also interested, but had to consult his wife first. If she decides to take the offer, it’ll be too late for you. 3. The law of authority Manipulators come well prepared and found their arguments with support from experts in the field or celebrities. This is why so much publicity is presented by c V