How to Coach Yourself and Others Beware of Manipulation | Page 25

2.5 Which vulnerabilities are exploited by manipulators? “When you get enough inner peace and feel really positive about yourself, it is almost impossible for you to be controlled or manipulated by anyone else.” Wayne Dwyer According to Beth E Peterson Source: Characteristics within ourselves which make us vulnerable to manipulation fall within six main areas:       Our Physical Being Will and Expressions Imagination Memory Thought Emotion Have you ever been tired enough that when the kids hound you for pizza, you give in? That is an example of the traits of your physical body being used by others to manipulate you.... Have you ever known how another person was feeling simply through their body language or tone of voice? This is something we all do as a matter of course; we recognize (even if only on a subconscious level) that people communicate in a huge number of ways. These expressions of self are signals we are constantly sending out can be used by a manipulator.... Have you ever found yourself believing another person, just because what they told you was something you were really hoping for? And oh-oh! How many times do we make excuses? Loads! But sometimes when we excuse something or rationalize something, whether about ourselves or another person, we are not noticing and stopping a manipulative ploy or attack. These are examples of imagination as an opening for manipulation.... Have you ever walked into a situation where you felt like a little kid again...and not in a good way? If this has happened to you...and it does happen to almost all of us...then someone has accessed your template of child-status. Or in other words, you were just dropped into those same feelings and even attitudes that you had as a child. Believe it or not, this is a weapon a lot of manipulators aim for. And here's a biggie! Our ability to learn is one of the easiest toeholds to access. Our memories are also vulnerable because they are fluid; they change over time as our own perceptions and interpretations change.... How many times have you been influenced by another person's thoughts? The number will be too many to count. From thoughts about the way the country is run to which is the best way to fry an egg, we listen to and are influenced by other people's thoughts and concepts. This is generally a good thing, but when we aren't careful, a manipulator will use this everyday process to steer you wherever they want you. Remember ever having been pressured by your peer group into doing something you weren't sure about? That is an example of the idea that contact equals influence. A manipulator uses it even more subtly.... Have you ever noticed that our emotional state seems tied to everything else? For example, when you're fatigued for a long time, it can be easy to slip into sadness. Or have you ever listened to music that just got you bouncing? Or a speaker that really roused you? These are forms of emotional ecstacies. They and the positive emotions can also be used to lead you down the garden path 24